my tears ricochet

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back at becks rv jade kept herself together. tears dared to come out but she held them in strongly. beck knew she was still upset, he just figured it was about missing him.

he comforted her in all the ways he knew. soft neck kisses, her favorite movie, pizza and ice cream, all the things she loved. she smiled at the thought of him doing so many nice things. because reality was love is a fragile little flame that could burn out, but beck fed the flame. he always did. he kept their flame alive no matter how much jade tried to put it out.

"come here babes" he patted his lap as he sat on his couch and she walked over, laying on top of him.

"i've missed you so much jade" he cooed, running his cold fingers through her hair. his lap was natural for her. it might as well had a label that said jade on it.

"i'm so sorry beck" she whispered closing her eyes right.

"don't mention it. this was low for us, but we will always come back. we just have to put this behind us." he smiled at her, softly kissing her. beck always knew just what to say. that's why he was so amazing. and to jades surprise, she laid in bed that night thinking about beck, not cat.

she was thinking about becks arms that were around her right now. and his fluffy hair that she always found all over herself during the day. she smiled at the thought, before drifting off.

*jades dream*
two shadows lingered in front of her. both just blurs of black. she stepped closer to one and it became clear.

"beck?" she asked walking closer to him.

"how could you even consider liking someone else jade? after everything we've been through and you still can't commit to just me? am i not enough?" he asked raising his eyebrows at her.

"no you are more than enough if you just let me explain i-" she explained her voice getting annoyed quickly.

"hey!" the other shadow yelled in a squeaky voice.

"cat?" jade questions walking closer to the other shadow.

"hi jade! remember me? the girl you left behind?" she chirped at jade.

"cat i am so sorry i just... i don't- i don't know what i want" she tried to explain everything but the words couldn't come.

"no no i get it jade. if i was GUY you would've picked me huh? isnt that right? i know you've been thinking about that too." cat yelled at her.

"look cat i'm sorry i didn't have it in myself to go with grace! but i'm with beck. i'm in his house in his bed." she sighed.

"if i'm dead to you why are you at the wake, cursing my name, wishing you'd stayed?" cat asked taking jade aback.

"i'm not wishing i'd stayed" jade lied to cat.

"you can go anywhere but you will still miss me in your bones" the figures faded back to black as jade cried out their names.

"and when you can't sleep at night you can still hear my stolen lullaby's!" cat yelled as the final
words before jade woke up.
*end of dream*

jade sat up gasping. beck sensed the change and sat up quickly. hugging her shoulders softly.

"it's ok i'm here jade it's ok" he whispered as she sobbed into her hands. he was clearly worried about her. she had been crying for almost a day now, unable to stop. and he didn't even know what it was about anymore.

"beck" was all she could say.

"it's ok baby i swear it's gonna be ok" he comforted, huddling in close to her and holding her hands as she drifted off to sleep once again.

𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘦//𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴Where stories live. Discover now