the best day

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just a heads up this is just going to be a very domestic chapter! less drama since a ton just happened! just some cute cade moments :)))

"cat!" jade called from cats kitchen.

"WHAT!" cat yelled back, unexpected loud as she skipped into the kitchen.

cat had been released from the hospital two days ago, her and jade now were both staying at cats nonnas house, since jade had nowhere else to go.

"where'd you put the scissors?" jade asked slightly narrowing her eyes at cats tiny smile.

"nowhere..." her voice trailed off, revealing her obvious guilt.

"CAT!" jade screamed playfully jumping over the kitchen counter.

cat squealed in excitement as she ran to the bedroom.

from the few days she'd spent with cat she'd learned one thing- cat was THE fastest runner, probably ever. and jade wasn't even that slow.

"GET BACK HERE!" jade yelled at her, smiling.

"NEVER!" cat yelled over her shoulder as she circled around the couch, almost slipping on the wood. as cat stopped in front of the couch to look back at her, jade took her chance.

she pounced on top of cat. laughing as they fell onto the couch. jade finally stood up and dusted herself off, still smiling.

"jade spring break ends soon ya know" cat said as she stopped laughing. jade knew she had been stressing about school lately, and making sure she could graduate.

"you'll be ok babygirl i promise, we'll figure something out." she held her arms out and cat almost jumped into her for a hug.

"i always wondered what your hugs felt like" cat giggled as jade raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"huh? cat you've always hugged me." she laughed slightly smiling at the redhead.

"i know but i wanted to know what your genuine hugs felt like. when you meant it. and now i do." she smiled hugging jade tighter.

"disappointed?" jade laughed hugging her back.

"never" cat said softer as she held the other girl tightly, scared to let go.

a few hours later cat was laid out on her bed with a geometry book. about six sheets of used graph paper were sprawled across the bed and jade sat next to her, looking exhausted.

"no no look cat. distance formula is x-x not x-y" she gritted her teeth, trying hard not to get frustrated with cats math skills.

"ohhhh i get it!" cat perked up.

"you do?" jade smiled encouragingly.

"no" cats face fell as she groaned.

"i'll never understand it jade! i'll just fail this year and never graduate!" she whined.

jade sighed at the girl. she truly was smart. and jade knew it. but she had trouble with comprehension, it that made almost everything hard.

"and we could you know do other things" cat suggested, moving her end along the bottom of jades shirt.

jade grabbed her hand and placed it back on her pencil,

"believe me cat this is the last thing i want to do too. but you have to pass geometry if you wanna be able to take calculus next year." she sighed looking back down at the problem.

cat huffed turning back to her paper.

"i'll tell you what if you can finish this worksheet by 5, we will... go get ice cream." jade proposed as cats mood suddenly perked up monumentally.

"deal" cat agreed holding out her pinky as jade reluctantly held hers out too.

about an hour later cat has struggled through her worksheet and jade was driving them home from the ice cream place near cats.

cat giggled as she told stories that she apparently thought were hilarious. jade slightly rolled her eyes at all of them, but half listened out of respect.

"hey jade hey jade hey jade!" cat practically bounced in her seat.

"yes cat" jade sighed glancing over at cat.

"i just realized are bookworms worms shaped like books or books shaped like worms?" she tilted her head, giggling.

"i don't know cat" jade laughed slighted sighing at the statement.

"oh i love you babygirl" she laughed.

"i know" cat replied smugly.

"oh do you know?" jade laughed sticking her fingers in cats ice cream and shoving it in cats face. cat laughed uncontrollably as she took her ice cream and shoved it in jades face.

"CAT!" jade screamed playfully shivering.


𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘦//𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴Where stories live. Discover now