Chapter 27- Tied Up

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It's Thursday 16th March and I have been so sad for the past couple of days. I have been hiding it from all my friends. Dean was suspicious so I told him. He told me that it's for the best. I haven't spoke to Malfoy, probably for the best.

We're now sitting in DADA and it's near the end of the lesson. Professor Lengel huffs. Harry raises his voice and asks "Is everything okay, professor?"

"Stop being so nosy and get on with your work, Potter" Professor shouts. What the fuck. He was just trying to be nice.

"Actually Potter, could you follow me to get some books from Dumbledore's office?"

"No. Not after that. I was trying to be nice and you give me attitude" Harry talks back to her.

"Ah yes. I'm terribly sorry about that. Could you please just do this one thing for me?" She does an overexaggerated smile.

He shakes his head and Ron shouts "I'll do it!"

"Shut up Weasley!" She screams at Ron and he looks at the ground. "Harry, you don't want to do this. Remember the party? Because I do."

He sighs "Fine!" Harry leaves the room with Professor Lengel. We all carry on with our work. Malfoy makes eye contact with me but lowers his eyebrows at me, so I do too. There's a hatred between us and I don't like it. I don't hate him, but I think he hates me. Harry is gone for a while and Hermione, Ron and I get worried. Lengel comes back without him.

"Where's Harry?" I ask.

She looks out of breath "He's... With... Dumbledore." She catches her breath "He'll probably be back soon."

We nod and carry on with our work. The lesson finishes and Harry hasn't returned. Malfoy sprints out of the room. What's he up to? Hermione, Ron and I start searching the school for Harry. We can't find him anywhere, so we go to Dumbledore's office to see if he's there. Dumbledore informs us that he left ages ago. We carry on searching around and we hear a mumbled yell coming from a classroom and the door is open. We enter, and Malfoy and Lengel are standing in front of Harry, who is tied up to a chair, and his mouth magically shut. I knew it was Malfoy.

"Malfoy?" I question with anger on my face.

"This is not what it looks like" he tells us.

"What is it then? Because to me, it looks like you have tied Harry up! What's wrong with you?"

"No. We came in here just now."

"I don't believe you."

"You don't believe me? Well ask your boyfriend" He puts a spell on Harry to get him to talk again.

"It wasn't Malfoy!" He yells.

"Who was it then?" Hermione asks.

"I'm not sure. I blacked out again. I don't know what's going on, but it's scary and I don't like it."

"None of us do, Harry. We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise" I say as I walk over to him to untie him.

"I keep blacking out, Professor. Do you know why?" Harry asks Lengel.

She shakes her head "I'm sorry Harry, I have no idea. Maybe you need to drink more water or get more sleep."

"But that doesn't explain why he keeps waking up and being at risk of dying. I don't think drinking water will stop that" Hermione says a true point.

"That's very wise, Granger. I'll let Dumbledore know. Don't worry Potter, we'll find out what's going on. Just be patient."

Malfoy and Lengel leave us and Harry in the room.

"I'm confused. How did you wake up without going to the hospital wing?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. Last time, you had to go to the hospital wing" Ron adds.

"It probably wasn't as powerful as last time" Hermione suggests.

"I guess. Who is out to get Harry?" I ask rhetorically.

"Well-" Ron goes to answer.

I interrupt Ron "I know who, it was a rhetorical question."

We all stand there in silence and then travel to our next lesson. I wonder if Voldemort is actually behind this. If he is, he's being very sneaky. 

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