Chapter Two - Explanations

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Hazel was guided to her room upstairs with Hermione and Ginny. They trailed up to the second floor and entered the room that would be their bedroom for the first couple of nights. The room was bigger than she expected; it was furnished with old, sage wallpaper patterned with dusty emerald diamonds, and the beds were surprisingly comfortable, as Hazel plumped the mattress with her hand.

"I'll take the couch tonight", Hazel said.

"Hazel, you need a lot of rest, I'll take the couch", Ginny insisted with care.

Though Hazel appreciated the offer, she felt like a guest; she was still completely new to this universe of hers, she felt as though she needed to earn some things. Besides, it was only a year ago that Hazel had the joy of sleeping in her own comfortable bed, Ginny's back at the Burrow wasn't quite as lavish as this one, she deserved it more.

"It's okay, honestly", Hazel replied, taking a knitted blanket off the edge of the bed and placing it on the couch.

Hermione left to find Crookshanks whilst Ginny headed to the bathroom to get changed. Hazel removed her jumper she had been in all day and changed into her pyjamas. She took the crimson top and pulled it over her head, she poked her arms through the holes and took her hair out from the back. She paired her top with a basic pair or black shorts; it was a typical pair of pyjamas she'd wear back in her old reality, it reminded her of that place. She swiftly slipped on a pair of odd socks and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

As she made her way out of the room, she heard the walls on either side of her make and unusual tapping sound.

'Tap, tap, tap'.

The noise paused for a second or two, and then it occurred again.

'Tap, tap, tap'.

She stood still and slowly reached her hand out to the wall. She placed her hand against the cold wooden planks when, suddenly, two figures popped out in front of her. Hazel's heart jumped out of her chest as the ginger twins appeared in front of her in a flash with no warning. They chuckled and playfully shoved each other as they examined Hazel's terrified expression.

"You complete fools!", Hazel laughed, she deeply inhaled and exhaled a sigh of relief as she hit Fred and George on the arm.

"Don't ever scare me like that again!", she demanded, shaking her head with embarrassment.

"We can't make promises we can't kept", George smirked as the two winked and strutted away, still giggling like little school boys.

She clutched her chest and felt her heartbeat slowly return back to normal. She then made her way to the bathroom, took her tooth brush and brushed her teeth. The room stayed free after a couple of minutes, so she locked the door behind her and stood in front of the mirror.

She looked at herself, examining her facial features; the faint specks of freckles beside her button nose, her full lips that were slightly chapped and dehydrated, her cheekbones that defined her fair face, her hazel iris that engulfed almost the entirety of her pupil, the long yet not-so curled lashes that sat just above them. She then took a step back and looked at her figure. She rested her hands on her waist and slowly brought them down to her hips, feeling every curve. She took her hands away immediately and hung her head over the shiny sink that faced back at her. Inhaling and exhaling tenderly, she straightened her posture and shut her eyes. That one sentence replayed in her mind for a moment or two.

"You're even more beautiful than Harry described!"

Hazel blushed; what was Harry doing to her? She had never felt so giddy around someone before. He gave her all sorts or butterflies, fluttering and buzzing in the pit her stomach. Despite the many times Hazel has never felt beautiful, Harry has always made her feel enough, and that's all she ever craved; to feel enough, to be enough. Her thoughts were swiftly interrupted by the faint knocking on the bathroom door. Hazel shot up, she rubbed her weary eyes and unlocked the door to be greeted by Hermione and a rather furry, ginger cat resting in her cradling arms.

"Time for bed", Hermione reassured, sharing a small smile.

Hazel returned the smile, and stroked Crookshanks' furry little head; the cat looked up at Hazel and shut his yellow eyes, purring quietly. The two girls gleamed as they made their way to their room.

Hazel sat herself down on the couch; it wasn't the comfiest thing, but it was better than the floor, she was so tired she figured she could fall asleep on pretty much anything! She pulled the blanket up to her neck and buried herself under the material, warming her cold skin. Barely able to keep them open, her hazel eyes closed shut.

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