Chapter Thirty Three - Grawp

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Hazel and Harry trudged their way through the muddy terrain, alongside Hermione and Ron, who were all being lead by Hagrid, in the Forbidden Forest.

"You both did everything you could. No one could win against that old hag", Ron comforted.

Hazel was angry, she had gotten so close with Dumbledore's Army, and all of it was destroyed in an instant because of betrayal.

"Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming", Hermione added.

"If it's anyone's fault, it's ours. We talked you two into it", Ron intervened, taking the guilt and pressure off Hazel and Harry, though it was no use.

Harry raised his voice a little, but steadily calmed his body language and contained his anger and disappointment.

"But we agreed. We tried so hard to help, and all it's done is make things worse", he replied, disheartened.

He paused and looked to Hazel who seemed just as disappointed.

"Anyway", Harry continued.

"That doesn't matter anymore. I don't want to play anymore, all it does is make you care too much-".

"And the more you care, the more you have to lose", Hazel added.

In that moment, it was as though Hazel and Harry shared the same exact thoughts. Not because of their connection with Voldemort, but because they both felt so deeply dispirited; their passion for teaching and encouraging their friends to improve the use of magic and skills was destroyed by one demon. They both felt the guilt, and they didn't want anyone else to get hurt.

"Maybe it's just better to go it alone", Hazel suggested, looking down at her tired feet as they crushed the brittle leaves underneath.

"Absolutely not! We're in this together, understand?", Hermione replied, taking Hazel's hand and rubbing her shoulders.

They four continued to follow Hagrid, venturing deeper and deeper into the forest with no idea what they were even doing there. Ron, being a little clumsy, slipped, almost losing his balance and falling on his back. He, somewhat firmly, gripped onto Hermione's shoulder, blocking him from falling over. His face grew a red-ish tint from embarrassment.

"Bloody hell- any idea where he's taking us?", Ron asked, regaining his balance.

"Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?", Harry asked, a little tired.

The five came to a halt at an opening in the forest; they stopped just in time, as a great, and extremely quick, herd of Centaurs raced down from one side of the forest to the other, charging at full speed.

"I've never seen the centaurs so riled. And they're dangerous at the best of times", Hagrid sighed, wiping his brow.

He turned around to face Hazel, Harry, Ron and Hermione, and hushed his voice a little.

"The Ministry restricts their territory much more they'll have a full uprising on their hands".

Hazel squinted with puzzlement.

"Hagrid, I don't understand. What's going on?", she asked with perplexity.

He sighed again, twiddling with his fingers as he continued to lead them on into the forest just a little deeper.

"I'm sorry to be so mysterious, you four. I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but with Dumbledore gone I'll likely be getting the sack any day now", he said, discouraged, almost weeping at the thought of getting fired.

"And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him", Hagrid continued before pausing in a large, empty area.

"Him?", Hermione questioned.

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