Chapter Six - Harry Arrives

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It's 8pm now, everyone just finished their dinner; a very yummy bowl of vegetable soup Molly prepared - she always put so much love into her food, she was the perfect mother-figure.

"It's not fair! Harry can't be expelled", Hazel pleaded, looking down as she sat on the bed in her room beside Fred and George, Hermione and Ron just opposite them on the floor and Ginny laid on the couch having a quick nap.

Fred and George nudged her playfully, trying to make light of the situation.

"This is Harry we're talking about, he'll be alright, Hazel", George reassured.

"He's going to have to be alright, I reckon this year is going to be different, we'll need him", Fred continued, lightly chuckling to himself.

Hazel was about to open her mouth when they heard the door shut; a distant sound of footsteps lurked beneath them. Fred and George swiftly vanished, Hazel assumed they were going to prank Harry the same way they pranked her last night. Hazel glanced over at Hermione and Ron, who shared relieved and hopeful expressions. They raced to the door, being sure to alert Ginny before leaving, and sprinted down the stairs. And that's when they finally saw the Boy who Lived, once again. He was already in a warm embrace with Sirius, who looked overjoyed to see him again. Hermione and Ron swiftly passed by and took ahold of Harry, bringing him in for another comforting hug.

"We were so worried about you!", Hermione declared, wrapping her arms round her friend whilst Ron left the hug and patted his shoulder gently.

Harry smiled to himself, then peered round Hermione's head, revealing Hazel's reassured face.

"Hazel", Harry said tenderly, his eyes twinkled with relief.

Hazel met him at the bottom of the stairs and wrapped her tiresome arms round his neck loosely as he held her waist. She trapped Harry's familiar scent of vanilla, firewood and cologne, though he did have a slight smell of broomsticks too. Hazel smiled, a tear left her eye and dropped onto Harry's shoulder. Before Hazel could glue herself to the boy she missed so much, she left his clasp, swiftly wiping her eye.

"We overheard them on the Dementor attack", Ron admitted, slightly shameful.

"It's outrageous, Hermione looked it up herself, they can't expel you!", Hazel continued, meanwhile the adults exchanged concerning glances.

"We will sort this out, not to worry", Remus reassured, before Harry began to speak.

"What is this place?", he asked, examining his surroundings intensely.

"This is headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix, Professor Dumbledore founded it, and here we are, letting it live on", Arthur answered, standing out of his seat to grab another drink, whilst everyone moved into the kitchen to sit down.

Hazel sat beside Harry, her heart still racing at the sight of him; her summer felt odd without Harry there, she felt as though a part of her was missing, but it was now restored.

"You couldn't have put any of this in a letter, I suppose?", Harry suggested, sarcastically, with a tone of annoyance.

Sirius locked eyes with Harry, continuing to reassure him.

"Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything, he believed that by doing so, Voldemort's attention would sway away from you", Sirius answered, ironically, sounding serious.

Harry's face dropped to disappointment, his eyes sunk and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Dumbledore said that? So he just wanted to keep me in the dark? I could've helped, after all, I'm the one who fought Voldemort. What about Hazel? Why did she find out?", he questioned, sounding more and more let down.

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