Chapter Eight - Hogwarts Express

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Hazel reached Platform 9¾ with Ron and Hermione beside her, they approached the large scarlet and black train as it began to fill with eager students. With their luggage taken care of, they headed onto the train and found an empty compartment.

"This one is free, let's sit here", Hermione suggested as she slid the glass doors open.

Hermione and Ron sat opposite Hazel as they awaited for the train to make its move. They glanced out the crystal clear windows; examining the faces of adults waving farewell to their children - oh, how they were oblivious to what those young witches and wizards were getting into.

"Harry", Hazel said, as she turned her face to the door where she met Harry's, somewhat tired, face.

He slid the door open, then closed it behind him before taking a seat next to Hazel. Her cheeks blushed a rosey tint, her heart started to race and feel warmer; it was something about Harry's presence that made her feel so safe and comforted.

"Good to see you back on this train, mate", Ron said, as he leaned over and patted Harry on his knees, giving him a relieved grin.

"We never got to ask you, how was your summer, Harry?", Hermione asked, also giving Harry a little smile.

Harry's little smile that was painted on his face when he saw his three friends quickly evaporated at Hermione's question.

"The Dementor attack was probably the most eventful part of it", Harry said, chuckling to himself for a moment.

"Nothing special, the same old summer", he finished, looking down at his feet.

He slowly shuffled his very-worn shoes next to Hazel's, slightly cleaner, shoes as the train rolled on the rail tracks. Hazel looked down, a little smile formed.

"How was your summer?", Harry asked, locking eyes with his hazel-eyed friend.

Hazel, for a moment, completely missed Harry's question; she noticed his soft lips move, but she couldn't take her eyes away from his glistening pools of emerald, how they twinkled in the light of the bulb above their heads in their compartment, how the rim was edged with a mossy green like the dark jade trees in a forest. Before being completely consumed by his charm, she blinked, and snapped back into reality. Hazel glanced over at Ron as they exchanged warming grins.

"It was the best summer I've ever had", she spoke softly, before explaining her adventurous last two months and illustrating each moment in her head:

It was Hazel's first time visiting the Burrow. She was warmly welcomed into the Weasley home and was introduced to the new cosy environment. She was kindly introduced to the small yet familial home by the mother of the ginger-haired bunch; Molly Weasley. Shortly being scared, almost to death, by the mischievous twins, who have a tendency to sneak up on people and scare them out of their skin! She settled down and unpacked her little belongings, since she didn't have much with her to begin with, and made her new bed in Ginny's room, her new roommate for the summer.

"It's not much, but it's home", Ginny spoke to her softly, smiling whilst her cheeks turned a slight red-ish tint.

Hazel appreciated their humble outlook and smiled back meaningfully.

"It's perfect!", Hazel replied, plumping her pillow and hitting her head against it gracefully.

Hazel let out a comforting sigh of relief, exhaling the tiresome sighs she had held in throughout the journey to her new home. Before she could take a nap, she heard a jolly voice call her name beneath the creaky floorboards her bed rested on.

"Ginny, Hazel, would you like something to eat?", Arthur asked.

The two girls exchanged happy expressions and raced downstairs and into the kitchen to meet Ron, who was already stuffing his face with all sorts of yummy snacks.

When Hazel reached the bottom of the stairs, she was greeted with a round, beautifully decorated cake! It wasn't huge, but it was enough to feed Hazel and the Weasley's, with a couple small slices to spare. It was a snowy white cake, and had the most stunning, crimson piping on top, spelling out 'Welcome Home Hazel'. Hazel did get a little emotional, the fact that, not only was Hogwarts her home but the Burrow was too, she felt so privileged to be part of their family. A proper family, with present parents and loving siblings.

"Excuse a bit of frosting missing there", Molly said, pointing to the top of the cake, where a bit of frosted has been scooped off.

"A certain someone couldn't wait, isn't that right, Ron?", Molly joked, as Ron sheepishly shrugged.

Molly welcomed her to the table, and they all sat down, enjoying the cake Molly made. The laughed, they smiled, they each told stories of their lives, though Hazel only spoke of her memories at Hogwarts, and whenever someone asked her of her past, she swiftly changed the subject. Besides from that, the conversation was always flowing, the atmosphere in the Burrow with the Weasley's was always joyous, maybe a little chaotic at times, but there was never a dull moment with the red-head family.

"We explored loads of places too!", Hazel added to Harry and Hermione.

She listed all the things they did, with Ron intervening with excitement too. Hazel felt refreshed after talking about her summer, she wished she could go back to relive every moment, but she was eager to find out what this year had in store for her.

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