Chapter Fourty - The Desired Prophecy

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The time had finally come, they had made their way to the Department of Mysteries. It was very dark; the only source of light came from the tips of the wands, belonging to Hazel and the rest of the army, it was a pale, though quite bright, arctic illumination.

"Department of Mysteries. This is it", Hazel said, slowly walking forward, passing tall racks, storing all sorts of foggy, blue globes.

Her surroundings were an exact replica of her vision she had earlier on, making everything seem much more real, but Sirius was still no where to be seen. Harry walked through the group, speeding ahead a little as his eyes read the tags on the corners of the shelves, finding the one he saw in his vision.

"Ninety-Three, ninety-four, ninety-five-".

Harry paused.

"He should be here", he said, turning around and trying to find him, even a hint of his presence would reassure him he had been there.

Hazel searched too, before spotting a very bright orb sat on a dusty rack.

"Harry, it's got your name on it", Hazel said, as she gazed into the foggy sphere, attached to a little brown name with Harry's name on it.

He slowly approached the mystical object, getting lost in the murk that the glass concealed. He picked it up gently, as the heavy thing slightly weighed him down.

Suddenly, a dark, cloaked figure emerged from the shadows, being brought into the dim light. It was drenched in an ominous, opaque veil, and it's identity was hidden behind a metallic, ghostly mask. The mysterious figure crept closer and closer, taking its wand out of its pocket and swiping it across its face, evaporating the mask with it. The identity was revealed.

"Lucius Malfoy", Hazel said, stood beside Harry with her wand pointed at the long, platinum haired man.

The rest of the army had their wands directed at Lucius, gripping them firmly.

"Neither can live while the others survive", he spoke softly, glancing at Hazel and Harry.

"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality", taking another step forward, brightening his face in the blue hues shining from their wands.

A serious and unforgiving smirk was painted on his fair complexion, whilst his grey eyes squinted into a deep gaze.

"Jones", he spoke, staring at her with such intensity.

"Draco has told me so much about you, how you said I can't protect him whilst he's at that excuse for a school".

He lowered his wand a little, still fixated on Hazel.

"Tell me, would your father protect you? Or do you even have any parents at all?".

His lips curled, and he quickly raised his wand back up as Harry rapidly shifted his wand to his face, defending Hazel. Lucius' words stung like a burn; although he was true in the fact that Hazel didn't have any parents, not even in this reality, it made her realise how she really didn't have any family left - her grandma and grandad hardly took any notice of her, and her sister despised her entire presence. The only family Hazel had was the friends that surrounded her in this magical world she reclaimed as her home, and even then, she still couldn't bring herself to being 100% honest. She hated to admit it, but Lucius right.

"Potter", Lucius sneered.

"Now, hand me the prophecy".

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it", Harry said, keeping his glowing prophecy behind his back.

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