Chapter Thirteen - Detention

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This wasn't Hazel's first detention, since she used to get them every now and then after being caught pranking with Fred and George, or arriving to classes late with Ron, however she had an odd feeling that this one would be different to the rest. She approached Umbridge's office with Harry beside her. They knocked a couple times before letting themselves in at Umbridge's confirmation.

The door opened and what was revealed to them was certainly strange indeed. Each brick was smothered in a dusty-rose shade, and hung from top to bottom in columns were many small and intricate detailed plates, each designed with a different cat in the centre, alive, of course. They meowed at the sight of the two students, some even hissed.

"Good evening, Miss Jones, Mr Potter. Sit", she spoke, picking up her tea cup with her pinky raised, gently blowing to cool the hot liquid.

Hazel and Harry uncomfortably made their way to two seats that were placed either side at her desk. Everything was spotless, her desk was neat and tidy and a speck of dust was no where to be seen, even in the oldest corners of the room. Umbridge rose out of her seat and placed a sheet of lined paper in front of them, as they made themselves somewhat comfortable.

"You're going to be doing some lines for me today", she spoke, glancing from Hazel to Harry.

Harry reached into his bag to pull out his quill but was immediately interrupted by Umbridge.

"No, not with your quills. You're both going to be using rather special ones of mine", she politely informed, as she opened her draw and pulled out two expensive and beautifully crafted looking quills with soft, maroon feathers on the tops.

Umbridge handed the quills to Hazel and Harry with a glorious smile.

"Now, I want you to write: I must not tell lies", she added, clasping her hands together as she paced her room, glancing over at Hazel and Harry who both seemed rather annoyed.

Hazel scoffed at Umbridge's demands, as Umbridge shot her an intense glare.

"Something funny, dear?", she questioned Hazel, approaching her and tilting her head.

Hazel bit her tongue and squinted before turning back to her sheet of paper.

"How many times?", Hazel asked.

"Well, let's say for as long as it takes for the message to sink in", she replied, turning her back and slowly approaching Harry as he looked up at the pink devil.

"You haven't given us any ink", Harry demanded, his tone hinting with a sense of irritation.

Umbridge's cheeks matched the shade of pink on the bricks that enclosed the three in, the corners of her mouth pointed upwards as she took a small sigh.

"Oh, you won't need any ink", she replied, walking to the centre of the room to watch the two write their lines

And so they did.

Hazel pressed the tip of the quill onto the lined pages and began to write.

I must...

Hazel suddenly felt the top of her hand burn ever so slightly, but she thought nothing of it.

not tell...

Then, Hazel soon realised that Harry was feeling the same thing. The top of her left hand started to burn more, it became red and tingly.


Hazel quickly lifted her hand off the table, accidentally knocking over an empty, small glass cup. Harry examined his hand and immediately looked over to Hazel with a concerned face. Hazel looked at her hand and studied it with slight pain and uncertainty. Engraved on the top of her hand was the exact same sentence she had just written onto the sheet of paper in front of her. It was outlined in a smudged, red-ish tint, as though all the blood and gone to the writing pierced into her soft skin. She gripped her hand hard and bit her lip, feeling the burning sensation all over her hand, and Harry did the same.

That wasn't the most unsettling part, however. Umbridge turned around and faced the two students who were clearly sat in torment. Unexpectedly, she giggled to herself and smiled. She looked down to Harry, who seemed as though he was about to speak, but he kept his mouth shut. Umbridge then approached Hazel and looked at her in the eyes before standing back to the door, facing the both of them.

"The both of you know, deep down, you deserve to be punished, isn't that right?", she asked, smiling at Hazel and Harry condescendingly.

Umbridge glanced over at Harry and tilted her head.

"Off you go, Mr Potter, there's one more thing I'd like to say to Miss Jones, in private", Umbridge suggested, opening the door behind her and guiding Harry out, unwillingly, ensuring he leaves the building.

Harry regretfully glanced back at Hazel, who was still firmly gripping her sore hand. Hazel nodded, reassuring Harry that it was okay. And Harry left without another word, covering his tortured hand with his other. The door closed behind him. Umbridge took a sigh of relief as she walked back over to Hazel.

"Miss Jones, I was hoping to ask you some questions- all for our data at the Ministry", she said as she made her way to her seat just beside Hazel.

Hazel bit her tongue again but nodded impatiently, slowly letting go off her hand and placing it on her leg, stopping it from bouncing under her table.

"You see, dear, we have no understanding of who you really are. We have no data of your family, your home, your birth- there is nothing we have about you", Umbridge continued to say, giving Hazel an intense glare, as though she was trying to read her mind.

Hazel continued to look down, not revealing anything by her facial expressions. Umbridge politely cleared her throat, leaning ever so slightly closer.

"So, if you wouldn't mind, tell me how you managed to get here", she demanded.

Hazel exhaled sharply and looked up to Umbridge; meeting her glaring eyes. Hazel thought of excuses she could come up with, but none of them sounded believable. Was it finally time? Were all Hazel's secrets about to be revealed to Umbridge, her of all people? Hazel looked away and stared at the window in front of her on the other side of the room with a blank expression.

"What are you hiding?", Umbridge hissed as she grabbed on to Hazel's tortured hand, strengthening back the pain that was still lingering around her skin.

Hazel flinched and squeezed her eyes, containing the pain. Umbridge smiled mischievously as she gripped her hand tighter and tighter until a little trail of blood trickled out from the bottom of one of the letters. Their eyes met once more.

"I'm not going to ask you again, Miss Jones", she spoke, this time with a more agitated tone.

Hazel took a deep breath and swallowed the pain before finally opening her mouth.

"You can hurt me as much as you like, you're not getting anything", Hazel spoke, snatching her hand away and softly placing it underneath her other hand once more.

Umbridge's smile vanished into a tiresome and annoyed frown. She took her wand out of her pocket and pointed it at her door, causing it to fly wide open.

"You are excused", she spoke, rather impatiently, taking another sip of her tea which had now turned cold.

Hazel swiftly picked up her bag and left her office, still covering her sore hand, without another word.

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