Chapter Thirty One - How to Produce a Patronus

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It was late afternoon, and Dumbledore's Army were in the Room of Requirement, this time, practicing a very exciting spell; the Patronus Charm.

Hazel decided to sit out teaching this lesson, for she couldn't produce a Patronus unlike Harry. She stood beside Hermione, as everyone else circled around Harry whilst he explained what it was. Then, he told everyone to try for themselves!

Harry pointed his wand in the empty room and showed everyone his Patronus.

"Expecto Patronum!", he casted, as a beautiful stag emerged, adventurously wandering the room.

Everyone looked at the exquisite create in such wonder and awe, and felt even more inspired.

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember", he said, pacing around the room and watching everyone in amazement.

The room was absolutely joyous; the atmosphere was warm, despite the hues of blue that consumed everything, and everyone was so optimistic.

"Allow it to fill you up," he added proudly.

He glanced over at Seamus, who was trying to cast his Patronus. Of course, it's a very hard thing to cast on your first try, so Harry wasn't expecting everyone to pick it up so quickly.

"Keep trying, Seamus", Harry encouraged, nodding his head inspiringly.

Suddenly, blue mists and shadows whizzed out of the wands of students, as creatures zoomed out too. It was the most magical thing Hazel had ever seen; she saw birds and cats and squirrels and stallions, all lit up in different hues of blue, as though the mystical creatures were made up of waves of the ocean in a misty form.

Harry gleamed, scanning the cheerful faces that surrounded him.

"George, your turn now", he said.

George raised his wand in the air and, with pure happiness and confidence, he casted:

"Expecto Patronum!", his wand lit a bright blue light, shortly being followed by a magpie flying out graciously, circling the room.

"Fantastic!", Harry responded.

"A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents", he continued, walking up and down the room and past the students.

He turned to Neville, who was struggling a little.

"I'm trying", Neville pleaded, looking a little disappointed.

Harry encouraged him by exchanging a reassuring and warm smile.

"I know, Neville, keep at it!", he said warmly.

Ginny's wand lit up, and a great, strong horse raced out, trotting proudly in a circle.

"Fantastic, Ginny!", he applauded.

"Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused".

He approached Luna steadily.

"So focus, Luna", he said, as Luna casted the Patronus charm, watching a little, baby blue hare hop out of her wand, and adventuring all around the room.

Harry continued to guide the other students, meanwhile Hazel watched Hermione and Ron have a go.

"Expecto Patronum!", Hermione casted.

A little puff of blue smoke emerged from her wand, but it wasn't strong enough and it instantly evaporated. She sighed, relaxed her body and tried again.

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