Chapter Twenty Eight - Christmas at Grimmauld

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It was Christmas day; it had been about a week after the final day of the school year, and after their lesson with Snape, Hazel and Harry, along with Hermione and the rest of the Weasley's, retreated back to Grimmauld place where they would spend the holidays.

Hazel woke up very early on Christmas day, besides, it was her favourite time of the year. She raced downstairs and into the kitchen and was greeted by six, very happy, Weasley's and Hermione. Arthur was doing much better after the attack a week ago, which was a huge sigh of relief for Hazel, and the rest of the Order too.

"Hazel, good morning, darling!", Molly exclaimed, extending her arms and pulling Hazel in for a warm hug, warmer than any fireplace.

"Sit down, sit down, it's time for presents", she hurried, waving at everyone and placing them down at the table.

It was beautifully furnished with all sorts of Christmas decorations, and she even spotted a toy Santa Claus flying on a broom in the air, laughing cheerfully and calling out "Merry Christmas' in a jolly and deep tone.

"How are you, Arthur?", Hazel asked, tucking her chair and pulling herself closer to the table as she sat in between Fred and George, opposite Ron and Ginny.

Arthur was sat at the head of the table in a warm red jumper, his eyes were still bruised and he had a few scratches here and there, but he seemed to be getting a little better. His arm sat in a white cast, signed by his family and other members of the Order, and on top of his ginger curls, a purple, paper crown rested.

"I'm certainly recovering", Arthur replied, slightly uneasy, but he maintained the Christmas spirit and put on a big smile.

Molly began passing the boxes around, passing a big box to Ron, a slightly smaller one for Ginny, two identically wrapped gifts for Fred and George and a circular-shaped present for Hermione.

"Here's your present, dear", Molly said to Hazel, handing her a craftily wrapped box, finished with an tangerine bow.

Hazel's eyes lit up at the box, she certainly wasn't expecting a present.

"Thank you, everyone", Hazel said, scanning the room and sharing everyone a warming smile, especially Molly, who seemed just as happy to give the present.

Hazel watched Ron open his gift with excitement, and pulled out a, rather tawny, yet warm looking fleece lined with wool. He shyly smiled, though he did see the item of clothing as a little ugly. Hazel thought it looked great! Hermione gleamed too, and let out a quiet, little giggle as she watched Ron put his arms through the sleeveless fleece with an embarrassing smile.

Hazel opened her box, and pulled out a slightly oversized, red knitted jumper, with a 'H' sewed onto the centre in a big capital letter.

"Now, we've all got Christmas jumpers", Molly exclaimed, clasping her hands.

At that exact moment, a single tear escaped Hazel's glass eyes; she was overwhelmed with comfort and love, she hadn't felt so welcomed from a family before, not even her deceased parents. She smiled at the jumper and threw it over her, feeling the love and joy around her body that was sewed into it.

"Thank you, this is the best present I've ever gotten", Hazel said, as Molly came round behind her and gave her another little hug.

"You must've had some pretty bad Christmas presents before then", Fred joked, before being softly shoved by Molly.

"Only joking, mum", he replied, rubbing his head gently and chuckling away.

Harry then entered the room, and sat next to Ginny. Molly just couldn't contain her excitement, it was the most wonderful time of the year, after all.

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