Chapter Four - Toast with Moony and Padfoot

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Hazel was finally guided down to the kitchen and was placed down at the stretched, oak table. She was greeted by Fred and George, who were buttering their toast and passing the plate of golden bread to Kingsley Shacklebolt, who was busy having a, what seemed to be serious, discussion with Arthur. Meanwhile, Tonks was busy packing a light bag.

Hazel sat herself down in front of the twins.

"How did you sleep?", Fred asked before Molly hit him over the head with her tea towel.

Hazel lightly chuckled to herself as Fred scratched his sore head.

"We're only joking, Hazel, but we hope our scare didn't give you your nightmare", George added on, quickly glancing over at Molly who, luckily, didn't hear his little comment.

Hazel gave Fred and George reassuring smiles and told them it was alright before being handed the plate of toast. Sirius and Remus approached Hazel from behind, knocking the plate out of Arthur's hands as it extended out to Hazel.

"Mind if we pull you outside for a chat, Hazel?", Sirius asked.

Molly turned around and shot Sirius a concerned glare, but was somewhat reassured when Sirius nodded his head and gave her a light-hearted and innocent wink. Hazel got out of her seat and followed Sirius and Remus out the back door, where they guided her to a small bench just outside.

The three placed themselves down on the bench and around them were emerald vines and pastel-painted roses; the sweet scent of the petals mixed with the crispy and warm scent of the golden toast Molly prepared. Sirius inhaled and exhaled greatly as they took in the fresh air enveloped around him. Hazel examined Sirius and his unusual love for the fresh and clean air.

"Padfoot hasn't tasted the fresh air in a long time, give him some time to adapt to it again", Remus reassured, offering Hazel a slice of crunchy toast.

She picked up the crispy bread and took a small bite, watching the hundreds of tiny gold crumbs fall onto her blanket wrapped around her.

"And yet Moony here hasn't gone a day without a square of chocolate", Sirius replied sarcastically.

The two men smiled and lightly chuckled, causing Hazel to grin too. She took another bite of her toast before speaking again.

"Come on, tell me about yourselves", Hazel insisted, glancing over at the both of them.

They shared grins and thought back to their old days.

"Well, I met Remus in my first year, just after the sorting ceremony. I was already acquainted with James - Harry's father... a very incredible man", Sirius began, looking up to the cloudy sky before taking a large bite of his toast.

"I was a lot quieter than Sirius, and, may I suggest, more clever, too?", Remus added, peering past Hazel who was sandwiched between the two friends.

Sirius chuckled to himself and finished off his slice of toast.

"We were inseparable from then", Remus finished as he dusted a few crumbs off his trousers and onto the cobble ground.

"So, what explains the nicknames?", Hazel asked intriguingly.

They both chuckled.

"All credit goes to young Remus when he survived a werewolf attack and left him as a werewolf on the full moon", Sirius informed, though Remus didn't seem too impressed.

"Thus, the Marauder's were created! I became an animagus in the form of a black dog and James took his form as a stag, hence being nicknamed Prongs!", Sirius chuckled as he reminisced on his memories.

"And that's when we created the Marauder's map! Created by Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs!", Remus added before Sirius choked on the sound of one word.

"Wormtail... what happened to him? He's gone now, right?", Hazel asked hesitantly.

Sirius' face grew in doubt and concern.

"I'm afraid not, Hazel. That wretched toe-rag takes the form of a rat, specifically Scabbers - I'm sure Ron has told you all about him", Sirius added.

"Shifty things, rats. He's out there still, hiding like the unfaithful, coward he is", he spoke, his teeth gritted.

Remus offered the plate of toast to Sirius in hopes it would take his mind off their untrustworthy enemy, though the toast was almost cold now. Sirius took another slice of toast and chomped on it whilst looking into nothing. Remus offered the last slice to Hazel, but she rejected it politely, allowing Remus to take the final piece. The three sat in silence for a moment or two.

"Harry told us about your abrupt arrival - your unexpected entrance during the Goblet of Fire and, not to forget, somehow being chosen for the tournament! You arrived in style, Hazel", Sirius joked.

Though Hazel enjoyed the compliment, she couldn't help but continue to feel awful for not being 100% honest with everyone. She wanted to tell them everything so bad; how she shifted but she knew it wouldn't end well, she just couldn't bring herself to admit the chaotic truth. Instead, she lightly giggled and smiled to herself. She looked down to her odd socks, she twiddled her thumbs.

"What else did Harry say about me? Good things, I hope?", she questioned with a laugh.

"He couldn't mention one bad thing about you!", Remus added before being interrupted by Sirius.

"Actually, now that I think about it, I think he may have mentioned you're stubborn from time to time", he admitted before being shot a glare from Remus.

Hazel laughed it off.

"I don't blame him, he's not wrong", Hazel joked.

"Harry told us how brave you are; you protected Cedric and Harry himself, you fought through the tournament and made it out alive in one piece", Remus continued, causing Hazel to blush with timidness.

"He likes you, Hazel", Sirius said, turning to Hazel.

"It reminds me of how James used to continuously talk about Lily! Lily this, Lily that, did you see how good Lily looked today, Lily is so smart - the list goes on", Sirius joked as the three chuckled.

Then, quietness overshadowed them again, though it wasn't awkward, it was comforting.

"Thank you for being there for Harry when I wasn't", Sirius thanked.

Before Hazel could speak another word, the three were interrupted by a deep voice around the corner.

"Sorry to break up your morning chit-chat, but I'm going to have to borrow Sirius and Remus, Hazel", Kingsley spoke, guiding the two men back inside with Hazel trailing behind.

She was brought back into the kitchen, only this time, Fred and George were being asked to leave with Ginny, Hermione and Ron by Molly.

"Hazel, dear, did you enjoy breakfast? Sorry you haven't had long, we're just going to have a quick meeting", she spoke softly as she gradually guided Hazel out the door, then closing it in front of her.

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