Chapter Twenty Nine - Hagrid's Return

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With everyone back at school, the pressure of studying and passing the OWLs was at an all time high; Umbridge added provocation to all students, and continued to make new rules, making Hogwarts as strict as possible.

Hazel and Harry were outside with their textbooks on their laps whilst waiting for Hermione and Ron to eventually show up.

"And finally, what's the term used for a water-making spell?", Harry asked, facing Hazel as her book laid closed on her lap.

"Oh, I know this one, it's the-", Hazel began to answer before going blank.

She looked up to the sky, trying hard to remember what it was; she had been revising Charms studies at Hogwarts for the past couple of nights.

"Glacius- no! Aguamenti! It's the Aguamenti Charm, right?", Hazel corrected herself, crossing her fingers she got it right.

Harry shut the book and smiled, nodding his head and handing the book back to Hazel.

"Considering you missed the first three years and, not to forget, learning during year four was ultimately replaced with our tournament, you're doing really well", Harry complimented, opening the book beside him and doing a little more revising.

Hazel smiled and looked down at the book, feeling proud of everything she had accomplished so far. Then, the topic dawned on her; how she wanted to forget she never heard about it, but she felt the need to address it. She cleared her throat subtly and repositioned herself, sitting crossed-leg on the window ledge of the bridge, now facing Harry.

"Harry, I'm not mad, why would I be?" Hazel started, now gaining Harry's attention.

"I mean, it hasn't really gotten anything to do with me, you're more than welcome to continue to pursue whatever it is you have with her, but I didn't quite catch the full story- what I'm trying to say is, I don't mind because I shouldn't even be affected- I'm just overthinking the whole thing, really it's probably better if you just ignore-", Hazel trembled and fumbled before being interrupted by Harry and his perplexed face.

"Sorry, what are you talking about?", he asked, completely oblivious and confused with the stuttering words leaving Hazel's nervous lips.

She took a deep breath and just asked him bluntly.

"Ron said you kissed Cho- after our class before Christmas break", Hazel let out, a huge weight lifted off her chest.

Hazel became more anxious as she looked away from Harry and down to her hands that rested on her lap; she twiddled her fingers, avoiding eye contact.

"You can kiss whoever you want, I just- oh, it's silly. Never mind, Harry", Hazel finished, turning back round and facing the scenery ahead of her, dangling her feet over the edge of the bridge like Harry's.

Harry swallowed and shuffled closer to Hazel, continuing the conversation.

"Cho kissed me, she was upset and confused with her feelings, she felt guilty about Cedric and it was all just in the moment", Harry explained, looking at Hazel, though she continued to face away.

Harry took another breath.

"Anyway, I saw you and George seem pretty close when you helped him too", Harry added with a cheeky smirk, still fixated on Hazel.

Hazel swiftly turned around, now looking at Harry with confused, furrowed brows.

"George? I was simply helping him-", she snapped in disbelief, before noticing Harry's laugh ring through her ears.

"What?", she asked impatiently.

"That got you to turn around and face me, huh?", he said playfully, still lightly chuckling.

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