Chapter Twenty Three - Suspicions Growing

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The next morning, before Hazel got ready for her class with Umbridge, she inspected the mark on her neck. She hadn't noticed it until Harry pointed it out, so she was intrigued. She entered the bathroom and examined her neck in the mirror. It was very faint, as though it was drawn in pencil, but a mark was present - not present enough, however, to identify what it actually was. She hid the mark with her collar and tie, and ensured her hair was covering it too, before making her way to class.

Hazel walked in, surrounded by miserable and tired faces; Defence Against the Dark Arts was typically a lively and practical lesson, but with Umbridge around, anything that once had life was sucked out. She took her seat next to Ron, who was almost already half asleep, despite waking up almost an hour ago.

"You will please copy the approved text four times to ensure maximum retention", Umbridge demonstrated, pacing up and down each row of tables.

Everyone quietly groaned and murmured to each other before picking up their quills and copying the words, written on the textbooks in front of them, in their books.

"There will be no need to talk", she added, tapping her heels against the cold ground.

"No need to think's more like it", Hermione interrupted, rather quietly, yet still loud enough for Umbridge to hear.

Hazel and Ron chuckled to themselves at Hermione's little comment before being shot an intense glare from the pink-dressed toad.

She continued to walk up and down, her presence was so cold and close, she might as well have been breathing down on their necks, watching every little thing they did during their time in class.

"Wands away!", Umbridge demanded, looking at Neville as he continued to, not so subtly, practice his wand-movement technique just under his desk.

"I can't wait until the lesson is over", Ron whispered to Hazel with a cheesy smirk.

Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours in this class; Hazel and Ron couldn't stop exchanging tiresome faces. Finally, time slowly crept to the end of their class, and the members of Dumbledore's Army hurried out.

They swiftly entered the Room of Requirement, once again, for more lessons.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal", Hazel explained in front of the group beside Harry as they all divided into either side, forming a runway.

"Yes, it's a wizard's bread and butter, really", Harry added, as he walked to the opposite end, facing the smallest member.

"So come on, then, Nigel. Give it your best shot", Harry encouraged.

Nigel was a little timid, and his posture nor handgrip wasn't the best but, eventually, he took out his wand, aimed it at Harry's chest, and brought it back to his ear then forward, casting at Harry.

"Stupefy!", he called out, as a misty bolt whizzed out of Nigel's wand and pushed Harry back, landing, rather harshly, on the ground. The power was quite strong, even Nigel fell back.

"Good. Not bad at all, Nigel. Well done!", Harry applauded as he dusted himself down.

Next, Hazel was up, and she was up against Fred. The two friends walked past each other and shook hands like good sports.

"Let me know if I'm too strong for you to handle", Fred chuckled as he extended his hand, warmly giving Hazel a handshake, his mischievous grin returned on his defined face and a glimmer of confidence twinkled in his gingerbread eyes.

"I think you'll find you'll be the one asking me to go softer next time", Hazel jokingly snapped back, receiving and returning the polite handshake and playfully giving Fred a wink.

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