Chapter Fourty Two - Internal Intoxication

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Hazel and Harry, and the rest of the Order and the army who were hidden behind the rocks, watched Sirius' lifeless body evaporate into thin air. Hazel dropped to her knees, her heart shattered into a million tiny pieces, never able to feel full again. She buried her face in her hands, feeling completely guilty, for her gut feeling was correct.

Bellatrix watched her cousin's body slowly fade away, as a little grin, shocked, but still showing no remorse, formed on her gaunt face, as she slowly slipped into the dark shadows.

Harry stood as though he had been petrified. His eyes widened, and tears streamed down his face like an everlasting waterfall. Remus quickly raced to Harry, grabbing his trembling body and not letting him go as he tried to break free and chase after Bellatrix. He called, he cried, he shouted in the most unbearable emotional pain. His agonising screams pierced the hearts and souls of every living thing left in the room, tearing into them like great shards of glass. Harry's face grew paler, the blood drained out of his body as his mouth swung open, releasing bellows of terror, torture, pain, grief and guilt. It was unbearable to hear.

Remus tried his best to keep Harry in his embrace, though Remus was cracking, for he had just watched his best friend die right before his eyes.

Hazel picked herself up, scanning the room for the wicked witch. She caught her knotted hair beside one of the doors at the back, and she raced to that door, pushing away anyone that got in her way. Tonks dashed towards her and pulled on her arm, but Hazel shoved her off, fixated on the task she had left; she had to avenge Sirius. Harry swiftly followed, breaking loose of Remus' trembling embrace, as he watched the two children run off, heartbroken.

Hazel's heart had never beaten so rapid before, she grew hotter and hotter as her blood pumped and boiled every part of her body. Her sweaty palms gripped her wand with menace, as she chased the murderer, who was condescendingly skipping through the dark Ministry.

"I killed Sirius Black", she chanted, prancing like a dainty school girl.

She cackled, and the laughs rung through her bloody ears, almost deafening her.

"You coming to get me?", Bellatrix squealed, continuing to laugh in a deranged manner.

"Crucio!", Hazel screamed, striking Bellatrix as she collapsed to the ground, whimpering like an ill animal.

She licked her lips and saddened her brows, gazing into Hazel's anguished and broken eyes. Hazel bit the inside of her bottom lip in rage, her hand trembling and shaking hastily, fighting with her mind; let Bellatrix live, or kill her.

"Hazel!", Harry shouted, racing behind and grabbing her arms whilst aiming his wand at the witch, whilst tears continued to trickle down his blood-stained cheeks.

A daunting and cold voice whispered into their ears.

"You've got to mean it", it spoke, causing the two damaged children to look around in confusion.

Each word the voice spoke, their blood became hotter and more intoxicated. Their necks felt strained and their foreheads began to sweat even more, mingling with the blood they shed that was stuck to their skin. Their breathing became out of sync, and it grew and grew in speed.

"She killed him. She deserves it".

She continued to sniffle, though her sadness wasn't in the slightest believable.

"You know the spell".

Bellatrix's gaze turned away from Hazel and Harry, and was drawn to a suspicious cloud of smoke that raced towards them, forming into Voldemort's haunting face. She giggled, her smile grew wider and wider.

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