Chapter Thirty Six - The Firework Display

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A couple months dragged by, until it was finally time for the beginning of their OWLs. The hall was lined up with small, singular desks in rows, reaching from the top of the hall, down to the very bottom. Umbridge stood, with her hands intertwined with one another, at the front of the hall, behind the quiet, though off-putting, swinging pendulum.

It was dead silent, and rather unsettling indeed, the atmosphere didn't feel like a normal exam one, it felt cold, almost as if dark forces were watching everyone.

Hazel read the questions that stuck to the parchment in front of her, trying to remember the answers. The last thing she'd want to do is fail these exams entirely, though she did feel quite proud of the studying she'd managed to accomplish during the last chaotic several months.

Ron, who was sat one table in front of Hazel, seemed increasingly tired of boredom, he was hunched forward, almost leaning on the desk, and twiddling his quill in his hand, very skilfully too. And in front of Ron, Hermione kept her head down low, ensuring she answered every question with almost 100% percent accuracy. Harry was sat a seat behind Hazel, though she couldn't give him a reassuring smile, for Umbridge's eyes were entirely fixated on her.

She continued to answer the questions whilst bouncing her leg under the table. For a moment, a muffled sounded erupted outside the hall's large doors. It sounded like objects crashing and clanging into one another, but Umbridge thought it was just Filch putting up another proclamation rule on the wall just outside. Until it happened again, only this time, it sounded like two dimmed voices slowly approaching in the distance. Now, with all examinees losing focus and turning around behind them, strictly breaking exam conditions, Umbridge, trying her best to maintain her condescending smile, walked down the centre of the hall and opened the doors at the bottom.

Nothing but emptiness was revealed to her.

Briskly, a small but sharp spark flew into her presences, jiggling either side before whizzing into the hall, and exploding into a bright, amethyst ball, with lighter and darker sparks trickling down. Then another zoomed in, this time, it was a parakeet shade, contrasting with difference hues of tangerine and apricot sparks. More and more little sparks raced inside, exploding into the most impressive and beautiful fireworks of all colours of the rainbows. Sparks drizzled down to the ground, surrounding the students in joyous colour, replacing the dark and cold atmosphere that once consumed the room. And these weren't just any ordinary fireworks, they were created by Fred and George themselves, part of their 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' range; they were unstoppable, just when you thought one firework exploded, the one next to it would burst into sparks, and then again, and again.

But the fireworks were just the beginning, because shortly after, two, ginger-haired boys came flying in on their brooms, dropping more fireworks and colours of explosion, as though they were celebrating colour itself. They chuckled as they spread colour and life into the room, flying high on their brooms. They reached the top of the pendulum, eyeing up Umbridge. Without hesitation, Fred threw down the biggest firework of them all, taking the form of a hungry, fire-breathing dragon! It's large orange head slithered down, close to the ground, revealing its body, and squirmed towards Umbridge, chasing her out the room as she shrieked in fear. She reached the doors, and thought she had escaped, but the dragon, made of sparks, swallowed her whole, so it seemed, as she disappeared within the ashy smoke the dragon crashed into.

Every single student was pleased, even the few Slytherins that helped Umbridge catch Dumbledore's Army, though they were ultimately pleased that their exams were cancelled, rather than Umbridge being tormented. All the students raced outside and into the courtyard where they applauded and praised Fred and George, as the two mischievous twins zoomed into the sky, setting off one last firework. Using their creative imagination and inventive skills, they created a firework that would leave their initial in the sky for hours. A golden 'W' stained the aqua blue airspace, so anyone could identify that the Weasley's were there.

They cheered and clapped and whistled and laughed. Until Hazel collapsed. She fell down to the cobbled ground, losing her vision and senses around her. The cheering and clapping of students became so muffled, it was as though she was deep down under water. Hermione's happy face dropped as she noticed Hazel stumble, and immediately dashed towards her, amongst the crowd of joyous students, helping her sit up. Harry kneeled down beside Hazel before clutching the scar on his forehead. Hermione then figured it out; the two were sharing another vision.

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