Chapter Thirty Eight - Dumbledore's Secret Weapon

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Umbridge grabbed Hazel, with a firm grip, and pushed her into a seat, roping her arms to the armrest; the same seat where Umbridge tortured her hand, scarring her fragile skin. She then picked Harry up and placed him in the seat opposite. A couple Slytherins quickly hurried in her office, and were ordered to take ahold of Hermione and Ron, as they stood behind her desk. Then, a small herd of other Slytherins ran in, escorting some of the members of Dumbledore's army. Behind her desk, a line of Slytherins captivated Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna and Ginny.

In a way, Hazel felt bad for the Slytherins, including Draco, despite his bullying-antics over the past year and a half. Umbridge had managed to manipulate them into betraying Hogwarts, and the reason why she chose them was simply because of their house. Slytherins were so misunderstood; it was the perfect way to lure them in, making them believe that they belong somewhere within darkness and evil because that is what makes them a true Slytherin, when really, Slytherins aren't like that at all, ultimately excluding Voldemort and Umbridge.

Umbridge sneered at Hazel, then turned to Harry and leaned close into his quivering face.

"You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?", she spoke, looking down at Harry.

He shook his head firmly, telling Umbridge he wasn't. Her lips curled up and she squinted, trying to read his mind, before bringing her hand up to his face and smacking his cheek, rather harshly.

"Liar", she hissed.

"Don't touch him", Hazel shouted, trying to set her arms free out of the tightly knotted ropes.

Umbridge scoffed as she turned around, now facing Hazel. An evil grin formed as she slowly approached Hazel's raging face, before being interrupted by Snape at the door. The great, darkly-dressed man stood tall by the door, examining Umbridge's manner.

"You sent for me, headmistress?", he spoke softly.

Umbridge fixed her posture and faced Snape, her face fuming and flustering, her cheeks turning into dying roses.

"Snape, yes. The time has come for answers, whether they want to give them to me or not-", she spoke proudly, though her fists started to clench with impatience.

"Have you brought the Veritaserum?", Umbridge asked in the most patronising manner.

Snape subtly shifted his eyes to Hazel and Harry before looking back at Umbridge.

"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Chang", Snape admitted.

Hazel's heart dropped to her stomach, everyone had avoided her because they believed she acted as a traitor when, really, she didn't have a choice. Hazel couldn't imagine the heartbreak Cho must've gone through after that, all she wanted to do now was apologise to Cho and comfort her, reminding her that she still has a friend.

"Unless you wish to poison them- and I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did", he added gradually.

Umbridge's face fell into an angry and irritated expression, her complexion only painted itself more and more red, as her blood boiled.

"I cannot help you", Snape finished, before quickly being interrupted by Hazel.

"It's Padfoot", Hazel blurted out, looking at Snape, hoping he'd understand.

Harry intervened, his eyes widening at Hazel's quick thinking.

"Yes, Padfoot. He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden", he added, his breath slightly panting, gasping for freedom.

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot?", Umbridge asked impatiently, turning her head to Hazel and Harry, then back at Snape.

Snape widened his eyes and raised his brows slowly. He shook his head with confusion.

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