2, Stunning

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"Hey!" Courtney giggles running up behind me, Artem and Ivan are waiting leaning against their car for me. School just ended about thirty minutes ago. "Hi." I smile. "So!" "What" I smile bigger "Nadia! Let's go!" Ivan growls, gesturing towards the car which pissed me off a bit. "Let her talk to her damn friend, mother fucker." He mumbles the last part under his breathing and sighs as me and Courtney start our conversation back up again. "What're you doing this weekend?" Courtney smiles, arching her eyebrow towards her hair up on her head. "Nothing, why?" I already knew she wanted to hang out, why not? "You want to go see a movie?" "Sure." I smile, not showing my teeth of course. I only smile showing my teeth when I love someone or like them enough. She nods, as I glance at Artem Ivan. Soon I get in the car, in the backseat since they think I'm such a child. My phone starts ringing, the caller ID was unknown. I already knew who it was though, Cecily my step mom.. Cranos's widowed wife. "Hey mom." I bite my bottom lip nervously, as she speaks. Artem and Ivan give me a confused look through the mirror that is hanging from the ceiling of the car to check if there is anyone behind you or something like that. "Hey sweet girl." She chuckles, I frown hearing her voice. Her voice was one of the very few that I missed right next to me. "Hi.." "His funeral is this weekend." She sighs referring to dad. "D-dad?" "Yes, honey." "I don't think I can make it.." I sigh, it was all the way in Russia and I'm in America currently. That could never work out. "Baby I'm already on my way to pick you up, I just got on a flight to the states." My jaw drops, oh my god! "Oh my god I love you, for real this time." I smile, revealing my teeth. Ok ok, maybe I loved her a bit too much right now.. nah, that's an understatement. "You're coming back to Russia, permanently, Nadia." "How?" "Martha?" She asks chuckling. "What about her?" "How is she treating my princess?" "Like I'm a disgrace." "I'm assuming it's because the ink and piercings, right?" "Spot on." "Look, I have to go." "Okay." I sigh. "Love you baby." "Love you too ma." She hangs up the phone while I leave it to my ear hoping to hear her voice again.. but I didn't I only heard Artems. "Who was that?" "My step mother." I sigh, setting the phone down in my lap wishing she was still on the other line. "Well, now you have both huh?" Ivan chuckles. "I mean.. It's weird having three step parents." "Never heard of love triangles before, Nadia?" Artem chuckles. "How'd you meet her?" "At a party, it was in high school." Ivan smiles, thinking back to the memories of when they were younger. "Freshmen year." Artem adds on. "You got anyone at home?" Ivan asks, leaving me confused. He obviously noticed. "Like a boyfriend?" "Maybe." I chuckle, looking out the window. "What's his name?" Artem asks, okay nosy. "He doesn't have a name, I mean he does but I don't think we're dating yet..." His name was Kade Stone, yeah I know.. basic white boy and bad boy player head of the football team name. "So you two aren't serious?" Ivan asks. "I don't think so Ivan." I sigh leaning forward in the seat. "How do you not know?" Artem chuckles at me not thinking straight. "It's just complicated right now Artem," I sigh out loud rubbing the temple of my forehead. "So you don't love him?" Artem asks not chuckling anymore. "I don't just love someone. They have to earn my trust first, they have to be loyal, they have to earn my love and trust before I just say the L word. Plus I'm a slut, I sleep with every guy I see." I glance up at their eyes burning through mine. They seemed pissed that I called myself a slut. "You are not a slut, Nadia." Artem growls, making goosebumps cover my entire body. It was weird, his growl was attractive but at the same time I got scared because I never get goosebumps unless something bad is about to happen or something good is going to happen. "It's the definition of me, Nadia Mikhailova. Why not?" I sigh slumping back in my seat. "You don't know me, so don't assume things." I say as Ivan goes to speak. "We don't know you because you haven't opened up to us at all yet, Nadia." Ivan sighs. "Open up?" I chuckle. "You're hiding stuff, Nadia." Artem says. "You're pushing down your emotions like we do." "And?" "You shouldn't do that." Artem says keeping his eyes glued to the road as we got closer to their house. "It's what he taught me to do and I do it because I promised him I wouldn't let myself break in front of anyone especially her if we ever met." I sigh louder, it was a frustrating sigh that I needed to release so bad. It felt good to get that out, really good. "Who, Martha?" Artem asks furrowing his brows. I nod. "Yes." "And he as in your dad?" Ivan asks. I nod again, "Yes." "Nadia if you don't stop huddling what your feeling inside that tiny little fucking ball it's going to all come out at once and you won't be able to control it." Artem sighs, as the house comes into view as the car slowly approaches it. "I already know what it feels like, it happened many times before." "Who was around you when you broke hm?" Ivan asks being the asshole he is. "My dad and his girlfriend at the time.. which I didn't like at all." "What happened?" Artem asks. "She was talking shit about me, right in front of me too! We were eating dinner and she kept babbling on about how my ugly I am with my piercings and tattoos and how I should kill myself, so I lost it and I threw my blade at her that I had in my pocket from working with my dad the other night. I didn't know what I was doing because I wasn't thinking straight, the blade hit her artery and she bled out less then 5 minutes on the dining room floor." "That is exactly why you can't do that, Nadia." Ivan sighs as we pull into the driveway. "If I kill anyone my family covers it up. I'll be fine if I break again." I climb out of the car as they parked. ~That Night~ I walk down the stairs, I'm wearing shorts and a crop top. All of my tattoos are on show except for the ones under the fabrics. "You have tattoos going down your legs!?" Martha screeches, with her jaw dropping in disgust. "Mhm.." I hum sitting down across the table from Ivan and Artem and the cunt Martha who somehow is my biological mother. ~Ivan's POV~ "So how close were you and your dad?" Martha asks Nadia. "What the hell is your problem with asking about my dad?" She rolls her eyes looking at her food and not even taking a bite since Martha made it.. It was a bit funny honestly. "I'm just curious Nadia." Martha sighs. "He was my best friend, that's how close we were." Nadia says, pressing her lips into a tight straight line. "I can be your best friend." Martha says making Nadia squeeze her eyes shut and groans pinching the bridge of her nose tightly clearly showing she was pissed off, about to break too. "Why don't you get it?" Nadia sighs. "I don't like you, I literally want nothing to do with you." She sighs again. "you're cold hearted Nadia." Martha growls, trying to sound like she was some kind of dominant. honestly, she sounded like a pig who snorted rolling around in messy ass mud. "I was raised that way, get used to it Martha." "You're just like your father." "I know this Martha." "You probably kill for living too." She mumbles under her breath looking at Nadia. "Not exactly." "But you still kill people right?" "Yes Martha." I like how she only addresses her as Martha, no other name or nickname, It's funny because it pisses Martha off when she does that. "Let's talk about something else sweetie?" Artem asks, trying to help Nadia out of this situation. "Fine, you know Peter?" Martha asks Nadia. Nadia lets out a huge deep sigh of frustration. "Yes, Yes I know Peter." "He's dead." "I know this." "How?" "You know how." Nadia growls. I feel my cock harden beneath the table. Holy fuck, Nadia seriously just gave me a boner. "Your dad killed him." "I know this." She growls again, I look at Artem who is shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He had a huge ass bulge that Nadia was going to see along with mine when we get up from the table. "were you two close?" She asks Nadia. "Me and Peter? Not one bit." She rolls her eyes pressing her lips tighter together to try and not to say anything else that could lead to her breaking. "Because you are a psychopath just like your father, You're a sick bitch, maniac, you're crazy! Fucking mental Nadia! You need help dear." Martha says making her glance at the knife that she was using to cut up her steak, but wasn't even eating it since Martha can't cook worth shit. Nadia gets up and throws the knife, Martha luckily barely dodged it. Artem and I stand up and she storms towards the front door running out of it towards the sidewalk besides the street that was not busy ever. "Nadia!" I yell after her as me and Artem run to catch up with her. "Go away." She growls again, slowing down walking down the sidewalks as it started to rain. It was dark, very dark. "Nadia, relax just come here." Artem sighs grabbing her and pulling her into his chest as she broke down crying into his buff chest full of ink like mine too. She broke, We told her this would happen and she didn't listen to us. Now she knows to listen to us, she knew we were right after all. "Shh.. Nadia, calm down. Slow deep breathes, okay?" He holds her tighter as I hug her from behind, she stiffens at first but soon gets used to the feeling of being trapped between two muscular bodies. "Sweetheart, It's okay." I chuckle kissing the back of her forehead. There were two reasons she was crying.

1. She was crying because she misses her father, which is dead sadly.

2. She broke in front of Martha almost and is breaking in front of us.

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