3, Break Down

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Nadia's POV:

"Let go of me!" I shriek as Ivan walks me to my room, I yank out of his arms and lay down. "Damn." I groan at his handprint on my arm now, I mean I wasn't complaining nut ouch dude! "What did we tell you?" Ivan asks. "Leave me alone." "Not until you calm down." Artem chuckles closing the door behind them. "I am calm." I try to pursue them but it didn't work. "We all know that's a lie." Ivan snickers, maybe he was finally warming up to me after all. "I want to go back to Russia, shit would be better down there." I sigh, realizing Cecily should be here any minute! "I bet it would, Nadia." Artem sighs, walking closer to me. "It would but you can't go back, Martha has custody of you." Ivan sighs. "Not for long. My dads funeral is this weekend." "we're sorry, Nadia." I nod my head slightly. "My step mom called and said she was on a plane to the states, She said she was picking me up to go back to Russia with her for dads funeral. She's getting custody of me too." I wipe my tears away, slowly. "I don't think they can hand over custody that quick." Ivan says frowning. "I turn 18 in a month so it really does not matter anymore." "You'll be an adult," Artem smiles, chuckling. "I know.. You two could do so much better then her." "Trust us, we know." Ivan sighs again. "Why the fuck are you with her in the first place?" "We fell in love in high school and dated her since then. We didn't know why but we proposed and decided to settle down with her even though there is more women out there that wanted us and we didn't give them a chance." Artem says, does that include me? "Oh." Is all I say as they lay down next to me on the tiny ass bed Martha put in here thinking I could sleep in this house. I stare into space getting lost in my own thoughts, I'm laying on my side. Without knowing my fingers start tracing Ivan's tattoos. He watches my finger as it traces his amazing ink, slowly his skin starts prickling into tiny goosebumps like mine did in the car earlier. He chuckles and lets me, his eyes wonder to mine as I never looked up at him. I feel two sets of hands tracing mine on my bare legs. Ivan wears a tight black tank top showing off his muscles perfectly. I feel my eyes warm up slightly and blur with tears as a couple of the hot liquid that tastes like salt flows down my rosy red cheeks. He takes his thumb and wipes away the tears that fell, I stop tracing his tattoos and lay my head on his chest. I sniff and close my eyes. I move around slightly and get comfortable as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Go to sleep, Nadi." I guess that's my new nickname. "If Martha sees me sleeping with you she's gonna get the wrong idea Ivan." I sigh, yawning. "So what, let her." I nod. "You turn 18 in a month so it'll be legal." Ivan says. I'm sorry what!? "What?" "Nevermind." Ivan sighs. I nod slowly closing my eyes falling asleep slowly. ~Artems POV~ I watch her sweet angelic face as she sleeps, she looks so calm and beautiful. ~2 hours later~ Her phone rings, she's still sleeping. Ivan grabs it and answers whoever is calling. "Hello?" He asks. "Tell Nadia my plane landed, I'm headed over there to get her. I don't want Martha coming to Russia for my husbands funeral. But you can since I don't have custody of her yet." "we'll come." I say, licking my lips sighing looking at a sleeping Nadia. "Thank you so much, I'll be there in about half an hour to pick you three up." "we'll be waiting." Ivan chuckles, hanging up.~30 Minutes later~ "Nadia." Ivan chuckles shaking her gently. "mmm.." "Nadia you gotta get up." I smile. "Mh." She groans quietly. She rolls her head back on Ivan's chest. "Nadia." "hmm!" She growls getting grumpy. "Your step mom is here." Ivan says. Her head jolts up and she rubs her chest, jumping out of bed and getting dressed. She wears huge boots that go up past her knees, they're a silky grey color, she wears black shorts with tears in them on her thighs and below her ass giving us a clear view that she has quit the cheeks on her. She jerks her phone off of the dresser. She rubs her eyes and looks in the mirror checking herself out, she turns around and pulls her shorts up so her cheeks were hanging out. Me and Ivan groan and adjust our pants getting up, going to our room where Martha is sleeping still. I wear a white shirt that hugs my muscles very tightly along with black ripped jeans. Ivan wears a grey and white shirt with black jeans too. "Why're you all dressed up?" "We have to go to Russia with you because your step mom doesn't want Martha there, plus she doesn't have custody of you yet but we do for now." "Fine." She groans. "She's here." "Her names Cecily." "Well then, Cecily is here." I say chuckling. "God, get me the hell out of here." She groans running down the stairs. As soon as we get outside Cecily jogs to Nadia and hugs her as tight as a bear. They stay quiet as they hug, and suddenly start speaking a language that I think is Russian. "I'm flattered." Cecily suddenly speaks in English as they break apart. We get inside the car and start driving. "So baby how's America?" "Couldn't you hear me over the phone screaming for you to get me out of here?" She sighs, scrolling through her Instagram full of Russian models both guys and girls. "But seriously how is it down here?" "It's alright." "just alright?" "It would be better if I didn't have to put up with a dumbass whore 24/7." "Martha?" "It's honestly sad that you know who I'm talking about when I only use nouns to describe her." Nadia laughs, smiling ear to ear with her perfect pearly white teeth. We've never seen her smile like that, hell is it beautiful though. "How did Martha score you two?" "In all honesty? She didn't." Ivan says. "We met her in high school back when she was actually pretty." I roll my eyes, glancing out the window. "She changed into a selfish bitch now and everywhere we go she makes us cover up our tattoos and piercings, she hates them just like Nadia's." Ivan says. "Well you two can do a lot better then a cunt with a smelly coochie." Cecily laughs. "Trust me we know." Ivan laughs. A couple minutes go by in complete silence. "Nadia." Cecily sighs. "That's my name." She looks up at Cecily. "What did Martha say to make you break." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Your hands are shaking, your leg is bouncing up and down, you keep licking her lips. That is exactly what you do when you broke." "She went off on me and I lost it." "What exactly did she say?" "Basically that I'm crazy, a psychopath, maniac, I needed help." "Nadia, Jesus I'm sorry you had to put up with that for so long." "It's fine even though I almost killed her." Nadia sighs. "ALMOST!?" "Yes almost." "Who stopped you??" "We did." I say. "Thank you." "you're welcome." Ivan says. "So did you meet any new boys?" "Yes.. kinda." "Girl tell me everything!" Nadia smiles brightly again. "sooo.. There's this one guy..." "Tell me more!"

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