Slip up

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I am walking with Jade to our dressing room to get ready for the show. We quickly get changed because he have to head to hair because our hair takes the longest. 

I'm scrolling through my phone as we all doing vocal warm ups with Jade when I hear Leigh and Perrie chatting. 

I look up and smile at her. "Hi baby." I say making her smile walking over to me giving me a light kiss on the lips.  

"Hi princess." She says. 

"Ugh pass the sick bucket." I hear Perrie joke. 

"Aw you mad your mans not here." I say jokingly making Perrie pout and nod. 

I get my hair finished and before I can get up Leigh stands in front of me leaning against me so I decide to stay seated and wrap my arms around her waist. 

We start doing our vocal warm ups and Leigh hands me my steamer but I didn't realized it as facing the wrong way so when I blew in it I burned my legs. 

"OW FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I exclaim as my eyes tear up. Everyone looks at me and sees my steamer was facing the wrong way. 

I am given towels and water bottles. I start pouring the water down my legs hoping it will soothe it. Some tears fall in the process though. 

"Baby I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot." Leigh says with tears in her eyes as well. A medical person came in and wrapped my thighs. 

I thank the medical person and sit down in a chair for the makeup artist to redo my face. She hesitates and everyone looks at me with sympathy. 

"Baby do you think it's a good idea for you to go on stage tonight?" Leigh says carefully. 

"I'm performing tonight even if I'm in a wheel chair. Put ice packs on the seat for all I care!" I say making everyone jump and someone runs out the room to find a wheelchair and Perrie pulls our a long cooling pad that we have for our bunks incase it gets too hot. The makeup artist touches up my face. 

The wheelchair comes in and Perrie lays the cooling pack down on the seat and helps me into the chair carefully. I bite my lip to not scream at the pain. 

"Promise me that if it hurts too much that you will tell someone." Jade says and I nod. 

"I promise." I say and Claud pushes me to the backstage waiting for us to go on. 

A couple minute before we go on Leigh squats in front of me. 

"I'm really sorry." She says looking in my eyes but I'm too upset right now look at her. She sighs standing back up giving me a gently kiss on the cheek being careful not to get her lipstick on my face. I just stare forward. 

The show starts and I put on a smile trying to show everyone I'm okay. 

'Motivate' starts playing and I'm just waving at fans when the crowd cheers loud making me look at the girls and I see Leigh start approaching me on her line. 

"She give it me  anyway that I want it, babe, Anyway that I want it" She sings making the crowd go crazy and making me blush. 

I grab her hand pulling her down the my eye level singing to her. 

"When she moves in, I cave in, want him to dive in my ocean, Take off our label on the coffee table, Two a.m. and we've just begun." I sing and give her a little peck before we turn to the crowd singing. 

We finish up the song and exit the stage for a quick change while I carefully change Leigh helps me. 

"Are you still mad?" She asks kind of sad. 

"You really think I'm sad after the moment we just had on stage?" I asked her smiling making her smile too and giving me another kiss on the lips. 

"I love you babygirl." She says. 

"I love you too bubs." I say and I feel myself get zipped up so I'm ready to go. 

Leigh pushes me out and hands me to Claud. 

We finish the show and thank the crowd. Leigh pushes me back to our dressing room helping me change out of my clothes and change my bandages before she does anything. 

I'm all set and wait for Leigh to change before we head out. I take a mirror picture of my bandage legs to let the fans know why I was in a wheelchair today. 

"I burned my legs pretty bad today that's why I performed in a wheelchair but I made sure to put my cooling pad on my seat. Thank you for being supportive tonight when I couldn't have gone full out! I tried to channel my inner Artie from Glee to move as much as I could in the chair." I posted it and as soon as I did I get a FaceTime call from Alex. 


"Sorry it happened so fast." I say trying to save my ass. 

"Are you okay though?" She asks. 

"Yeah are you good idiot?" I hear Sonnett ask. 

"Yes bitch I'm fine. Leigh and the girls are taking very good care of me." I say and Jade enters. 

"And me!" She says making Sonnett come into the frame. 

"JADE!" She screams and Jade comes over. 

"Hi bubs!" Jade says. 

"Okay okay go talk on your own phones." Alex says shoving Son's head out of the frame and Jade goes to the her phone calling Son. 

"Anyway, I'm fine but I'll talk to you later." I say and Alex waves bye. 

Leigh comes back in sitting next to me and I cuddle into her side. 

"I'm sorry for being petty earlier. I know you didn't mean it." I say feeling bad for ignoring her before the show. 

"It's okay. You did nothing wrong. You had a right to be upset." She said giving me a kiss making me smile when we pull away. 

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