Me or Him

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For the rest of the day I didn't speak to Leigh-anne despite her attempts. 

I got into bed and let out a big sigh. 

I finally relax and let what happened during the day hit me all at once. Tear begin to well in my eyes and I begin to sob. 

I grab my phone calling Jade. 

"Hello?" She answers and I just sob into the phone. "I'm on my way." She hangs up and 10 seconds later there's a knock on the door. 

I get up and open the door to see Jade with a bag of sour watermelon in one hand and her phone and charger in her other. 

I allow her into my room and she sits on the bed opening her arms for me. I run into her arms sobbing. 

She just holds me rubbing my arm up and down telling me everything is going to be okay. 

After calming down a bit I fall asleep right then and there. 

I woke up the next morning a little later than usual since we it's a travel day. My face and eyes are sore from yesterday. I have cried like that in a while. 

I shake Jade awake causing her to groan. I get up going to the bathroom and decide i'll wear my glasses today since were going to be stuck in the van the rest of the day. I pack all of my toiletries and exit the bathroom. 

I go through my case pulling out some Nike sweats and a matching sweatshirt slipping on some socks and my birkenstocks. 

I put my hair into a messy bun and grab my charger and everything putting them into my backpack. I grab my case as Jade comes out the bathroom grabbing hers as well. 

We head downstairs to the lobby where the tour bus is waiting for us. 

"You okay after last night?" Jade asks as she follows behind me getting on the bus. 

I look back at her and nod then look forward making eye contact with Leigh. Her face softens as she takes in my appearance.

I just brush past her going to the bunks. 

"Mikayla..." She says as I go past her. 

I get into my bunk and see that I have a couple of messages from Alex. 

Alex: Hey 

Alex: Are you really ignoring me now?

Alex: Pleaseeeee I'm bored

Me: I had a busy day yesterday sorry. 

Alex: It's okay. But it would be better if you would give me a kiss

Me: Hah keep dreaming Morgan. 

Alex: Oh I will

I chuckle putting the phone down. 

My curtain is suddenly ripped open to reveal Leigh's face. 

"Can I help you?" I ask sarcastically. 

"Yes." She says and climbs into my bunk closing the curtain. "I need you to let me explain." 

"Explain what? You made things very clear in the van." I say scooting away from her putting some space between us. 

She groans in frustration. "Look I want to be with you just give me time to end things with Jordan." 

"But where does that leave me. Look I'll make it easy for you. Me or him." I say and this throws her off for a sec so I open my mouth to speak up again. 

"You. It will always be you. Just let tell Jordan okay?" She says and grabs my hand. 

"When are you doing it?" I asks and look down playing with her fingers. 

"I'll do it right now." She says and rolls out of my bunk grabbing her phone taking it to the backroom. 

10 minutes later she comes back with a smile on her face jumping back into my bunk. 

"How was it?" I ask. 

"He took it surprising well. We were both drifting apart so it was mutual." She says wrapping her arms around me pulling me into her. 

"So what does that mean for us?" I ask leaning my head on her shoulder. 

"Well let's take things slow." She says making nod in agreement. 

She lifts my chin and leans down to give me a kiss but I turn my face so she kisses my cheek. She has a baffled look on her face making me smile at how cute she looks. 

"You don't get a kiss till I get a date." I say confidently. 

"But but.... I don't know if I can last that long without your kisses." She says. 

"Well you did pretty well so far." I say smirking cause her to start tickling me. 

"Stop Stop!!!!" I say laughing loudly. 

"I'll stop if you give me a kiss!" She says still tickling me. 

"Ok! Ok!" I say and she stops tickling me. 

I grab her neck pulling her into a heated long kiss. Her tongue slips into my mouth and I allow it as she quickly takes dominance. 

I pull away too quickly for her liking as she groans and whines when we pull away. 

"There now if you excuse me I have to talk to Jesy and Perrie about our argument yesterday." I say getting out of her grip and exiting the bunk. 

"Jesy!!!!!!! Perrie!!!!!!!" I yell as I get to the back room and the both come rushing in. "Hi, can you sit down please?" 

They roll their eyes cause they thought something was wrong but sit down anyway. 

"So about what you guys heard in the car yesterday..... I'm bisexual and I have feelings for Leigh-anne." I say just ripping the band-aid off basically. 

"Aw babe we're so proud of you." Jesy says and her and Perrie give me a big hug. 

I get teary eyed "You guys are really okay with it." I ask them.

"Of course we are." Perrie says making me smile. 

I give them one more hug before going back to my bunk where Leigh is scrolling through my phone and happen to have the messages between Alex and I open. 

I jump back into my bunk and lay directly on top of her. 

"I don't like this Morgan chick." She says locking my phone and putting my phone down.

"Well I do but as a friend don't worry baby." I say kissing her cheek. 

"She better be just a friend." She says holding onto me tighter. 

She finally picked me over him and I couldn't be happier. 

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