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I am sitting in my hotel room by myself because I haven't been feeling well today so I decided to stay. Leigh wanted to stay too but I told her to go and have fun. 

I'm on social media seeing the girls having fun which I'm glad. I look at the time and see it was 10:30 so I'm gonna take some medicine that will help me go to sleep. 

I fall asleep shortly after but I'm woken up by the bathroom door slamming shut. I realize it's Leigh and try to go back to sleep. It doesn't work however because she turns the lamps on and get in the bed. 

"Come on baby let's have some fun." She slurs and messes with my shorts. 

"Leigh no." I croak out. 

"Come on." She says and her hand slips under my shirt. 

"Leigh stop." I say. 

"Fine you know what I shoulda finished what I started tonight with that girl from the club." She says and turns over. 

What the fuck. I am wide awake now and I snap out of my trance I was in and got out of bed. I left the hotel room and went to Jade's room. 

She opens the door tired. She sees the tears in my eyes and immediately pulls me in. 

"Hey what's wrong?" She asks and bring me to her bed pulling the covers over us. 

"I think Leigh cheated on me." I say and let out a sob at the end of it. 

"What you talking about?" She asks and tries to console me. 

I explain what happened and ask her if she saw her. 

"Perrie, Jesy, and I left before Leigh." She says which makes me cry even hard and she pulls me into her resting my head on her chest. 

I cry myself to sleep trying to forget this night. 

I woke up the next morning and my eyes hurt from crying last night. Before I can move there's a frantic knock on the door and I hear Jade come out of the bathroom and open the door. 

"She doesn't want to see." I hear Jade say which means it's Leigh. 

"I didn't even do anything!" She says. 

"Leigh...." She says but I don't hear the rest. 

I hear a sob from Leigh which makes my heart break but she did this. 

"Please let me see her." She begs Jade. 

"Leigh just go back to your room." Jade says. I'm so thankful for her. 

There was silence before I hear the door close and Jade walks in. 

"Hey." She says and I smile sadly. "Come on bubs let's go to the pool." 

"I don't know Jade." I say. 

"Come on I'm not gonna let you sulk and you can borrow one of my suits so you don't have to see Leigh." She says. 

I sigh and nod my head before getting up and going to her bathroom. She has put out an extra tooth brush for me making me smile. 

I finish up getting ready and put on one of Jade's swimsuits that she gave me. I grab my phone, earbuds, and sunglasses. Jade and I walk to the elevator and head down to the pool. 

The pool was empty which was nice so we find some seats in the sun. 

I take my cover off and clothes my eyes laying down. 

I hear Jade's phone ring and she stands up and walks away taking the call. 

I hear footsteps come in and I assume it's Jade. 

"Who was on the phone." I ask my eyes still closed. 

"Mikayla..." I hear a voice that's defiantly not Jade's trail off. 

I open my eyes and see Leigh. 

"What do want Leigh?" I ask avoiding eye contact. 

"I don't know what happened last night. All I know is that I woke up and you weren't there. I got so drunk last night." She says and sits down where Jade was sitting. 

"Leigh...." I say and sit up facing her. "What you said last night drunk or not hurts Leigh. Why didn't you go home with the girls?" 

"I was in the bathroom and I knew Perrie wanted to go home so I was gonna go home with the dancers. I was in a lounge area with them when I was given a drink and then another and another. Last night is a complete blur. I don't even know how I got back to the room. Please baby you have to believe me I'd never hurt you like this. I've worked so hard to get you I would never throw it away intentionally." She says with tears coming in her eyes as her voice cracks at the end. 

"Leigh.." I say and before I can continue Jade comes back. 

"Leigh-anne! What did I say!" She says making Leigh look down sadly. 

"Jade just let us talk this out." She pleads. 

"No!" She says and then continues in a quieter voice, "You tried to pressure her into sex when you were out kissing some whore. Leigh just give her some space." 

Leigh-anne doesn't reply and she gets up exiting the pool area. Jade sighs deeply and sits back down in her seat. 

"Jade I don't know what to do. I feel empty without her." I say with my voice cracking a bit at the end. 

I decided to take my glasses off and put my hair in a messy bun take get ready for the pool. 

I get in the pool and just float. 

Fuck Leigh we were doing so good. I don't know whether to forgive her or what. 

I think I need a break. I might go to the U.S. with Jade to see Alex and Sonnett. 

I sit up and see Jade enter the pool. 

"You okay?" She asks me. 

"Honestly, not really." I say and she gives me a hug. "How you feel about a trip to the States?" 

"If that's what you want bubs then we can go." She says making me smile. 

"Thank you bubs." I say and pull away. 

I have a big decision to make.

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