Why Don't You Leave Your Room?

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I close the fridge and drop my head. I walk over to the cabinet and grab a mug to make myself a cup of coffee as Steve approaches.

"Let me guess, Thor finished everything off again?"

"He does this all the time, man! He needs to at least tell someone some time."

"Well, it's Friday anyway. Wanna help me make a shopping list?"

I point to my mug as I finish stirring and place my spoon in the sink.

"Gotcha. Coffee first."

I force a smile and sip my coffee, burning my tongue, but not caring and continuing to drink.

"Hey, so question. What do you do in your room all day? I swear we never see you out unless you're eating."

I finish my coffee and rinse the mug. I walk over to Steve, patting him on the shoulder.

"I do whatever I feel like doing."

"And that usually is?"

"Draw, dance, sin-"

"Wait, you can dance?!"

"Yes... I don't like to dance in front of others."

"And you can sing?"

"Yes, again, don't like to do it in front of others."

"Sing something for me, please. It's just you and me."

"Steve... I'd rather not."

"C'mon, (Y/n), just a little bit. Please."

I sigh and nod, I think for a minute before knowing what to sing.

Summers and Winters

Through snowy Decembers

Sat by the water

Close to the Embers

Missing out the lives that they once


(Willow - Jasmine Thompson)

I look up at Steve and rub my arm, not knowing what he thought as he stood in silence.

"Wow... You sound amazing."

"I really don't, but thanks."

"Oh hush, you. You sounded amazing, you should sing for the group sometime. I'm sure they'd love to hear it."

"I refuse... that's way too many people..."

"Alright, just saying. Everyone would adore your voice."

He smirked as he turned to walk away. I roll my eyes and turn to see Tony, staring in awe. Uh oh...

"(Y/n), was that you singing?"

"N-no... you must be hearing things."

"No, I definitely heard someone singing."

"Sh-shut up!"

I turned to walk away and Tony called out to me, but I didn't listen. I stormed off, all the way to my room, locking the door behind me and crashing down on my bed. I don't like singing in front of others and I don't like being complimented. I heard some footsteps approaching and then some harder ones, both stopping just a few inches from my door.

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