Making The Moment

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After the movie finished we all teasingly clapped at the tv.


"Oh hush, it was just a movie."

"Completely unrealistic."

"I agree, the main character wasn't even in it half the time and the sidekick did all the work."

"Like how I take care of all of your work?"

"You're not my sidekick!"

The room erupted into laughter and pointless arguing. I looked over at Bucky and he rolled his eyes at the sight before him. I clapped a few times to get Wanda's attention and she nodded to me, grabbing everyone's heads with magic and forcing them back in their seats.

"That's enough now, the movie was dumb, moving on."

Everyone chuckled and all eyes fell on Tony. Tony smirked and stared at Wanda. The two of them stood and walked to the kitchen. Uh oh. They returned and Wanda handed everyone a shot glass and Tony put a bottle of liquor on the table. Everyone groaned loudly, but accepted the challenge nonetheless. Tony poured us all shots and we raised our glasses to start a fresh round of Dare or Drink. After we all took our shots, eyes went straight to Tony, he always started these games and his eyes landed straight on Bucky.

"Bucky, dare you to call (Y/n) Kitten."

My eyes shot open, I wasn't sure I'd survive hearing that. Wanda, realizing this, chimes in.

"(Y/n) would literally pass out."

"All the more reason."

"Dare. Dare. Dare."

The group started chanting, trying to pressure him into accepting the dare instead of drinking. I looked over at Bucky and he raised his arm, silencing the group. He leaned over and in probably the deepest voice he could form, he whispered to me.


I squealed, pulling the neck of my shirt up to cover my instantly reddening face. Everyone laughed and I merely melted into the couch, feeling an arm around me.

"You'll pay for that Stark. Steve, dare you to twerk on Nat."

I pulled my shirt down, instantly giddy as I had to see the show. Steve looked over at Nat and she shook her head.

"Steve, drink."

"Dare. Dare. Dare."

I joined in on the chanting as I had to see this, but Steve lifted his shot glass. We all booed, but Steve wasn't dropping his glass. Tony poured him a shot and he took it.

"Boo me all you want, Nat said drink, so I drank."

"Thank you, Steve."

"That being said," Steve looked over at Nat, "Dare you to give Clint a lap dance."

Everyone erupted into laughter, Nat instantly grabbing her shot glass.


"I'm not... doing that!"

I rolled my eyes as Tony poured her a shot. She took it and stared me down. Oh boy.

"(Y/n), dance."

I stared at her astonished, no one's ever told me to dance before as they know I'm shy about it. I blushed and looked over at Bucky. She didn't say to twerk or dance on someone, but most of my dances were fairly... sensual. I shook my head, reaching for my shot glass, but Bucky grabbed my arm.

"C'mon Doll, dance for us."

Everyone simply stared as I grew redder and redder by the second. I didn't want to dance, but I didn't want to take a shot, someone had to give a show right? I sighed, grabbing my phone, and standing up. Everyone clapped for me, I rolled my eyes and looked for a song to dance to. My dances were fairly provocative and I knew this wasn't going to go well. I played a song and placed my phone down, waiting for the pre-chorus. I shook my hands a bit and looked down at Bucky who merely smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. As the pre-chorus started I let loose, moving through the motions as if I was in my room. Once the chorus started I got way into it, moving as if I was alone, with no shame and no worry. As the chorus died down I struck a pose, landing on my knees and taking a deep breath. At first, it was quiet, then the room erupted into claps and cheers, and even some whistling. I stood up and walked over to the couch, landing hard, and crossing my arms. Bucky wrapped his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

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