Meeting Mr. Unfamiliar

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I mixed some yellows and golds to finish off the painting, and just as I was mixing colors, Steve approaches, his footsteps fast and frantic. He knocked and opened the door before I could respond.

"(Y/n), we found our pair of eyes."


"Yeah, it's nothing to be worried about."

"Your pace and quickened breath say otherwise, Steve."

He looked down at his shoes for a moment before looking back up, he didn't speak for a bit as he caught his breath.

"Captain, who was it?"

"It was a friend, someone (Y/n) hasn't met. He was on a mission and got distracted. He was simply staring at the tower."

"Then why did I feel eyes on me?"

"I guess he was looking into your window. He meant no harm and was simply looking at the tower. He'll be coming by after his mission, so you can meet him then."

I nodded, "Thank you, Steve."

He nodded and headed out, closing the door and walking off. I went back to mixing some colors for the stone and the shading of it. After mixing for a minute I got the shades I needed and filled in the final details of the painting. I took a deep breath, placing the palette and brushes down.

"Alright, all done."

"May I see?"

"Of course."

I waved my hand, inviting Vision to come over and look. It wasn't perfect in my eyes, but something told me by the way Vision stared, entranced, that he thought it was.

"Wow... (Y/n) it looks amazing."


"Yes, it looks exactly like me."

"Not really, I could've gotten the clothes' details a bit better and the mind stone is a bit off."

"(Y/n), it looks incredible."

I took a breath instead of listing all the other things I could've gotten better and nodded.

"Thank you, Vision. And thank you for keeping me company while I did this."

"Of course."

We hugged for a moment and he walked out. I looked at the painting for a minute. Really focusing on it as a whole rather than all the little things. It looked pretty damn good. I sighed and sat on my bed for a moment, thinking of if I should find the girls to show them my work. Then I got a text from Steve.

Hey, unfamiliar eyes on his way over.

Alright. I just finished the painting if you want to come see it.

Sure, I'll be right there.

Bring Nat and Wanda as well, please.

On it.

I placed my phone down and laid back on my bed. I got comfy for a moment before hearing footsteps approaching. I sat up and waited for a knock, and not a moment later did it come.

"Come in."

Steve opened the door, letting Nat and Wanda in before him. They walked over to the easel and stared at my painting. Steve did the same and they all stood in complete silence.

"Well? What do you think?"

"(Y/n), it looks just like him!"

"You did amazingly!"

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