We're Going, No Saying No

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I took a break from drawing as I crept my way to the kitchen to grab a snack as the pain from hunger started to get unbearable. I made my way from my room unnoticed, but the second I stepped foot into the kitchen, Wanda approached me.

"Hey, (Y/n)."

"Hi, Wanda."

"Natasha and I were talking about going to the shopping mall, maybe grab some stuff, wanna come?"

"I really-"

"She's coming with us."

Natasha approached and put her hand on my shoulder.

"No, Nat, I appreciate the offer, but-"

"No buts missy, you're coming. You need to get out of that damn room."

"Nat, she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to."

"No, she's coming. Go change, we'll get food on the way."

I sighed, I knew damn well that I wasn't going to get out of this. If I learned anything from dating Nat, it's that her word is the law around the tower. I walk back to my room, locking the door and changing into some casual clothes before walking back to the girls. As I emerge into the kitchen Nat, Wanda, and an oncoming Clint stare in awe at me.

"Woah, (Y/n)'s wearing something other than pajamas."

"Shut it, Clint."

"I'm playing, you look great, really."

I roll my eyes and give him a playful punch on the shoulder as I walk to the girls. They both smile and stare at me playfully, a hint of mischief glinting in Nat's eyes.

"Stop your staring or I'm going back to my room."

"Alright, let's go."

I sigh as Nat literally drags me by my arm to the garages where the cars are, throws me in, and drives off. As we drove I kept my hand over my eyes as the sun was killing them. I swear I'm nocturnal sometimes.

"So where are we going exactly?"

"Just to the mall. Grab some food, some clothes, maybe some art supplies if you're running low, and then we head back home. It's called 'going out'."

"Nat, I don't like being outside of the tower."

"I'm aware. But, you have to get some sunlight every now and then."

"I don't-"

"(Y/n) you're already with us, just relax."

I take a deep breath and look over at Wanda who smiles at me innocently. I roll my eyes and stare at Nat. She smiles and looks over at me as we stop at a red light. I still never really got an answer as to why Nat broke up with me, but I'm glad we're still friends. After a decent amount of driving we parked in probably the most packed mall parking lot I've seen. My anxiety kicked in and my heartbeat skyrocketed. I turned to Nat who gripped my hand and rubbed small circles on it with her thumb. She learned very quickly that I get anxiety attacks and she found just the way to calm me down. Even if we aren't dating, she still treats me like a best friend, and I'm very grateful for that. I take some deep breaths and we all step out of the car and head to the mall.

I feel eyes on me constantly, some innocent and some predatory. It made me extremely uncomfortable knowing that people were looking at me; not just looking, but staring at me. I looked over at Nat and she was staring at some of those staring at me. Most of the predatory eyes left me, but it still made me uncomfortable that people were looking. We stopped by the food court and grabbed some food, eating it rather quickly and moving to a clothing store. Nat and Wanda went immediately looking at things and I stayed by the jewelry section just staring at all the bling. Some guy approached me and said... something, I was zoned out and didn't hear; but Nat pushed him away and dragged me with her to the fitting rooms. She gave me some clothes to try on. I took them and tried on the tops, showing the girls every time I changed. After countless tops and some belts, we bought our goodies and headed out. The guy that approached me followed after us and I grabbed Nat's hand. Nat looked down at our hands and then up at me, I motioned with my head and she turned to stare at the guy following us.

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