Painting Is Not Easy

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I finished my outline and grabbed my palette, mixing paints for a solid five minutes before I created a good burgundy for my base of Vision. Just before I placed my brush to the canvas, a knock.

"Come in."

The door opened behind me and I turned to see Bruce, looking incredibly confused.

"I was... uh looking for... what is that?"

"It's a canvas on an art easel. Nat and Wanda wanted me to try painting."

"Oh, interesting. What's uh... Vision doing here?"

"She's painting me, so I'm here for reference."

"Gotcha, then I'll leave you to it."

"What did you want though?"

"Wanted to see if you wanted anything to eat, I know you usually skip breakfast, but no harm in asking."

"I'm alright, Viz?"

"I'm fine."

"Alrighty, good luck painting."

Bruce stepped out and shut the door, I turned back to the canvas and filled in my outline with my color mixture. While filling it in I truly realized that this was going to be very difficult. Shading is going to be completely different and mixing colors is going to be a trip. Vision stayed pretty quiet as did I. I finished setting down the burgundy and set my palette down, waiting for it to dry a bit before attempting to mix a darker version for shading the body. Or should I fill in clothes first?

"You seem confused."

"Just wondering what I should do next. I finished outlining you and filling in said outline, but I'm not sure if I should shade your body next or do clothes. Or maybe the accents..."

"Clothes probably because then you know where to draw the accents and shading."

"That... makes sense, thank you."

I smiled and he nodded back to me. I took a look at what he was wearing and started mixing colors. He looked around my room and saw my 'art wall'. I rarely put my art up, but the ones I'm the proudest of go up on there. I could tell he was deep in thought, which made me curious. I grabbed another brush and started outlining his clothes.

"Whatcha thinking about, Viz?"

"Your art, it's very beautiful."

"Thank you. I only put up the drawings I'm the proudest of."

"May I look through your sketchbook? I'd love to see more."

I thought about it for a second and nodded, he reached over for it and looked at the various drawings and sketches. I finished his shirt and mixed a color for his jeans. I set my palette down and let the layers dry a bit.

"You're quite the artist aren't you?"

"I suppose, I learn rather quickly so learning techniques for drawing comes easily. Also patience, patience is a big thing in artistry."

"What else do you do?"

"I sing, dance, color, reorganize, work on my music playlists, write sometimes, and now paint."

"You're very creative."


I smiled, picking up my palette and mixed colors for the perfect slate for the accents on Vision's body. Slate is a surprisingly hard color to get apparently. It kept turning grey and then too close to silver. Eventually, I got the color I needed and added the accents. I looked over at Vision who, yet again, seemed deep in thought.

Introvert - Bucky × Reader - Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now