Night Out Dancing

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I sat up and Bucky came up with me, I smirked, some interesting thoughts flooding my mind. Just before I could speak, someone knocked and the door flung open. I bolted off of Bucky in record speed and he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Relax you two, just me."

"Natasha! You scared the shit out of me!"

"That's my job."

Wanda came from behind her and stared at me in awe.

"(Y/n)! You look outstanding!"


"Alright, say your goodbye, and let's go. We'll be in the garage. Don't keep us waiting!"

Nat pointed at Bucky and shut the door as their pair of footsteps left. I sighed, looking down at Bucky, tempted to just stay with him for the night.

"Go with them. I can tell you want to stay."

He stands, coming over and snaking his arms around my waist. I looked up at him, flipping my hair out of my face and he chuckled. We shared a quick kiss and I wiggled my way out of his grip. I headed to the door, looking back at him.

"Can I not just stay?"

"Nope, Nat'll kill us both. Don't keep her waiting."

I sighed, realizing he was very right. I left my room and made my way to the garages. Nat stood leaning against a car, arms crossed and leg up. She tilted her head and I rolled my eyes. We joined Wanda in the car and drove off. The second we got into the city, a knot formed in my stomach. Something was wrong. Something is going to go very wrong.

"Nat... let's go back."

"No, we're going out."

"Nat, I'm serious. You know my instincts are never off."

She looked over at me concerned as we stopped at a light.

"What do you mean?"

"There's a knot in my stomach, something is going to go very wrong. Yes, I don't want to go, but I'm serious."

"I think you're just overthinking."

Nat continued to drive us further into the city. I looked back at Wanda and she gave me a soft smile. I sighed, yes I'd very much rather be at home, but my instincts are never wrong.

"Nat, please."

She stayed silent for the rest of the ride. I shook my head, looking back at the tower, feeling eyes on me. Now, very familiar eyes. I swallowed, trying to calm myself down. Maybe I'm just overthinking... maybe everything will be fine. I tried to focus on the thought that everything would be fine, but I just couldn't shake away my instincts. We made it to a club and my god did it look crazy. There was a huge line leading all the way around the building, but Nat just led us straight to the front of the line. We approached the bouncer and he looked down at Nat.

"Natasha R."

He smirked and looked at the two of us.

"They're with me."

He nodded and let us pass. I took a deep breath and I made a promise to myself that everything would be fine. It had to be. We made our way through countless people to sit at the bar, starting the night off right. We cheers and took our shots. Relaxing for a while before Nat and Wanda dragged me to the dance floor.

"I know you can dance, don't try and hide it."

"This is the place to let it out, Ivory~"

I looked over at Wanda. I rolled my eyes, she sometimes calls me Ivory and I sometimes call her Scarlet. I swayed playfully with the music, trying not to lose my initial feeling of paranoia, but also trying to have a good time. Wanda decided to play responsible and didn't drink too much while Nat and I had quite a few drinks as the night went on. I split off to go to the bathroom. As I washed my hands the knot in my stomach tightened. I looked around and felt eyes on me, predatory ones. I rushed out of the bathroom and met up with Natasha on the dance floor.

"Nat, we have to go."

"(Y/n), just relax and have a good time."

"Nat, I'm serious."

I grabbed her arm and tried to drag her away, but she pulled free, staring me down.

"(Y/n), nothing is going to happen. Just calm down and have a good time."

I shook my head and walked away. I knew damn well something was wrong and I wasn't going to just stand around and let it happen. I went to find Wanda. I bumped into some girl and made her spill her drink, she turned to me, infuriated.

"Hey, bitch! Watch where you're going!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just distracted."

"Just watch it."

And she walked away, some guy approached me and I felt the predatory eyes back on me, but they weren't his so I let him approach.

"Hey, I'm sorry about her, she's quite a few drinks in."

"It's alright."

I turned to walk away and he glided in front of me, "Hey, wanna dance?"

"No thank you."

"C'mon girly, loosen up a bit."

"I'm fine, please respect that."

He placed his hand on my shoulder and the predatory eyes felt closer. I pushed him off of me and continued on my way to find Wanda. We needed to leave, now. I made my way through the crowd and a girl grabbed my arm, pulling me back onto the main dance floor.

"Excuse me?"

"C'mon, my buddy was talking to you."

I pulled my arm away and she turned around, placing a cloth to my mouth and nose. I tried to get away, but she had my head firmly in place and someone else had grabbed my arms. I shut my eyes, desperately relying on my strength to get me out of this, but I couldn't shake their grasp. I opened my eyes, trying to reach who was holding the cloth to my mouth, but she had her eyes covered so I couldn't hypnotize her. I heard some guy call out and felt the hands on me retreat. Someone had pulled them all off of me. I started to feel weak, my legs were giving up on me and I couldn't fight back anymore. I let my eyes close as I finally collapsed. Someone came next to me, lifting my head and trying to get me to respond. I raised my hand slightly, but dropped it as everything went silent.

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