Experiment In The Making

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I blinked my eyes awake, just about every muscle in my body ached. I went to stretch, but I couldn't move, I was completely restrained. I looked around; every single fiber in my body on high alert. I tried to get my arm free, but I was locked in. Then I noticed an IV in my arm. I tried desperately to bend my arm to break the needle, but I was thoroughly restrained.

"Hello?! Anyone?! Can anyone hear me?!"

There was no response except the sound of footsteps approaching, all three completely unknown to me. I looked to the side and saw a girl and two guys approaching me.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

"We are Hydra agents."

My eyes shot open and I continued to fight against my restraints. They simply laughed at me.

"You'll regret this! The Avengers will find me!"

"Will they? Do they actually care enough to put the effort in to find you?"

I stopped fighting and dropped my head, my mouth fell open slightly and tears immediately welled up in my eyes.

"You're just trying to get into my head! They care! They love me! They need me!"

"Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself more than us."

She was right. I replayed my words in my mind, desperately trying to hold onto the thought of my team needing me. Hell, for all I know they do just have me to use me.

"No! They do need me and they will find me."

I started to cry and a hand cupped my chin, lifting my head to look up at whoever was in front of me. Immediately I thought of Bucky, I know he cares. I know he'll stop at nothing to find me... right?

"You'll be so much more now. You won't even need the team anymore."

"What... what the hell are you talking about?"

"We're injecting you with what we call 'super-soldier serum'."

My eyes shot open and I stared down at the IV, I continued to try and break the needle, to no avail.

"Stop struggling, you're not getting free and you won't be able to break that needle."

I refused to stop, I threw my head back and away from her touch, desperately trying to make my limbs obey me and move. But, nothing worked. I eventually gave in. Sitting still and just letting them do what they pleased. They walked away, leaving me alone in the silence, the sound of the IV making its way into my bloodstream was painfully loud. After it finished I felt strong... more powerful than I ever had before. This isn't good. I sat in that chair for a few hours until I felt eyes on me, lots of eyes. Then the sound of footsteps approaching grew louder and louder. I lifted my head slightly, looking the girl dead in the eyes as she came closer and closer.

"Good morning, sunshine."

"You're making a huge mistake."

"No, we really aren't. But, we need to wipe you, so you're going to cooperate, or we'll go and get your precious boyfriend and kill him."

I stare into her soul with flaming eyes.

"You. Wouldn't. Dare."

"Oh, we would. Your precious boy toy may have failed to mention that he's trying to escape us. We can't exactly let that happen y'know. So, what better persuasion, than his new girlfriend."

I stared at her, breathing heavily, doing my best to remain as calm as possible. I know Hydra is powerful and I'm not taking any chances if Bucky is involved in all this mess in any way.

"So, we're going to wipe you, train you, and set you up on the mission to go and get your boyfriend for us. Should be pretty simple. And if the Avengers somehow get here before we can do that, then you'll just kill them for us."

My breathing got heavier and a little faster, it was getting very difficult to stay calm with everything she was saying to me.

"So, I'm going to set you free. And you are going to stay in that chair until further instruction. Do you understand?"

I took another deep breath, shutting my eyes, and nodding.

"Good, this will go perfectly then."

She walked away and clicked a series of buttons. As she did, my restraints unlocked. I was leaning so far forward that I fell out of the chair, landing on my hands and knees. I didn't move; I couldn't risk anything because my team and my love were on the line.

"Nice and obedient. Stand up and follow me."

I stood, I might as well have already been controlled. I didn't take a single step and she turned around, walking back to me quickly, and promptly slapping me across my face.

"I said follow me."

I turned to face her, staring into her eyes. I tried to hypnotize her, but they had something in them that deterred my powers. I exhaled sharply and nodded to her. She smiled and turned to walk away, I followed. She led me through the halls of wherever we are and sat me down in a room with some sort of heavy machinery. She pushed me back against the chair and placed a guard into my mouth. I bit down on it harshly, keeping eye contact with her the entire time. She smiled, walking over to a control console and pressing a series of buttons. Metal restraints came up over my arms and the chair leaned back as two clamp-like hands came up over my face. I took deep breaths, trying to stay calm and not worry. The Avengers will find me... they have to. Just as thoughts of my team came flooding into my mind, the electricity started and I screamed out as I clenched my jaw tightly, nearly breaking through the guard. My eyes shot open and memories of the team first finding me, training me, spending time with them all, and spending time with Bucky flashed through my mind. I continued screaming out in immense pain, it only stopped when my eyes rolled back as a vision of Bucky flooded my brain.

"You're alright, Doll. I'll find you."

Then it all went quiet again. Please find me... please...

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