Living The Dream

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Bucky stared down at me with a passion I haven't seen in him before. He shifted his arms, picking me up bridal style and placing me down on the bed, crawling over me to pin me down.

"You really want to do this?"

"I do."

He nodded to me and leaned back, taking off his shirt and leaning back down, pinning my arms in place as he lay soft kisses all over my neck. I let out a soft moan as I moved my legs under him to wrap around his waist, pulling him down to me. He pulled back looking me up and down. I nodded and released my legs, he pulled away and I took off my shirt. He licked his lips as he stared at me, hungrily. I bit my lip, spreading my legs as he stared me down.

"So, Kitty does want to play?"

"I do, Daddy~"


He walked back over to me, pushing me down on the bed. I laid back as he leaned in, laying kisses and nibbling on my neck. I let out a soft moan as his hands trailed along the sides of my body. The initial feeling of skin making me flinch. He trailed his hand back up to massage my breast and I let out a slightly louder moan. He leaned up and moved my bra straps off my shoulders, unclipping it, discarding it, and revealing my breasts. I bit my lip as he gently massaged them, I let my head fall back on the bed as he moved down, licking around my nipple and sucking softly. I clasped my hand over my mouth, doing my best to be quiet. I could tell he didn't like that as he started sucking a bit harder, trying to get a reaction out of me. I threw my head to the side as his metal arm trailed down my body, stopping just below the belt. I bit my lip as I slowly shifted to sit up. He pulled back and we discarded our bottoms, leaving his boxers and my panties.

"You look gorgeous, Doll"

"And you look amazing, Bucky."

He chuckled, leaning forward and pulling me close for a kiss. I let my hands trail up and down his chest as he held my shoulders. I licked his bottom lip and our tongues found each other's. I let myself fall back on the bed and he dropped with me, supporting himself with his knee. I tapped him on the shoulder and he pulled away, both of us panting. I bit my lip after taking a deep breath and he stared down into my eyes, longingly. He leaned down to my neck, nibbling and biting all over it, earning some soft moans. But I could tell he wanted more, and so did I. I let my hands trail down his back, grazing it softly with my nails. He pulled back and moved to my ear, whispering to me.

"Can't wait to feel you digging your nails into me."

"Then don't wait."

He pulled back and smirked, we sat up, removing the last of our clothing, staring into each other's eyes hungrily. He lunged forward, like a predator going after prey, and I've never been happier to be under him. He supported himself with his arms, pinning me down. I smirked up at him and nodded slowly. We breathed together as he forced himself into me. I threw my head to the side, moaning lewdly. He stopped once he was in all the way, groaning softly, letting my arms go, and shifting his weight slightly. I looked up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and dragging him down for a kiss as he moved out and back in, thrusting into me slowly. I pulled away from the kiss to moan out as he moved down to my neck, laying kisses and biting me as his thrusts sped up. I could tell he was just getting started and this would be just the beginning of quite the night.

"Oh baby, you feel amazing."

"So do you!"

I let out a moan as I threw my head to the side, feeling him speed up even more. He chuckled, leaning down to my ear just to graze it with his teeth. I whimpered softly and he returned to my neck, working his magic with kisses and bites. I moved my hands to his back, grazing it with my nails softly. He groaned, letting me know just what to expect when I shove my nails into his skin. This'll be fun. I let my eyes close as he once again picked up the pace, thrusting into me rougher as well. He lifted himself up, wrapping his hand around my throat playfully, I opened my eyes, licking my lips as he tightened his grip a bit, continuing his thrusts. I let out a lewd moan and let my head fall back. He slowed down a bit, moving his hands to my shoulders and lifting me towards him, I bit my lip as I assisted him in shifting our positions, I sat on my hands and knees as he continued thrusting into me, getting rougher as time went on. I gripped the sheets tightly as he gripped my hips, pounding into me. I let my head fall and let out lewd moans with each incoming thrust.


"How you holding up, Doll?"

"Alright... just... getting there..."


He continued his relentless pounding, showing no sign of slowing down or going easier on me, and honestly, I didn't mind. I was in heaven having the time of my life. I let out lewd moans as controlling myself grew harder and harder, his pounding only picking up in speed and roughness as time went on. I felt his metal hand release my hip and felt a strong tugging on my hair, I grunted loudly as my head was forcefully lifted from its hanging position. He chuckled as he loosened his grip slightly. I let my head fall a bit as my back started to arch; I was growing closer and closer to climax. I could tell Bucky knew as he slowed down ever so slightly, but was still just as rough. I continued to moan in time with his inward thrusts, my moans growing louder and lewder with each thrust.

"Fuck Baby, I'm getting there."

"So am I."

He chuckled again and picked up the pace, pulling my hair back again. I let out a much louder groan as he pulled back much faster, forcing my head back. My mind started to get slightly hazy, falling deeper and deeper into this trance of wanting and needing more. Although my mind and my body were on different levels. As my mind wanted this never to end, my body couldn't take it much longer.


A knot formed in my stomach, holding back was no longer an option. I let loose, cumming against his member as he continued pounding into me. Until I heard a groan and felt his seed filling me up. It was something I couldn't explain, but God did it feel amazing. He continued thrusting a bit before eventually pulling out of me, letting me collapse on the bed. He chuckled as I quickly covered myself with my blanket, wanting nothing more than to melt into the mattress.


Bucky joined me under the covers, wrapping his arm over me and holding me close. I nuzzled against his chest, breathing in tune with his heartbeat. He chuckled softly and I looked up at him.

"That was fun."

"It was."

"I know you're probably wondering what the team will think, and I have a sneaking suspicion that they won't care."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, we all love you and we want what's best for you. In my case, I just want to see you happy. If anyone is going to care, it's gonna be Steve."

"And why's that?"

"His room is next to yours."

I froze up a bit and looked at the wall my bed was pushed against. This will be a fun conversation for the morning. I sighed softly and nuzzled back up against Bucky. I looked up at him, smiling, he opened his mouth to say something, but shook his head and decided against it.


"Still just... I don't know... I can't get over the thought of your 'Mr. Better' coming along one day."

"I've said it before, and I'll say it a million more times if I need to, I don't need a 'Mr. Better', I already have my 'Mr. Perfect'."

He chuckled softly and leaned down for a kiss, I leaned up and our lips met. He placed his hand on the side of my face as our lips moved in sync. He pulled away and I leaned into his touch, as he stroked my cheek softly. We stared into each other's eyes for a bit until we slowly started to laugh together.

"I love you, Bucky."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

We shared one last quick kiss before snuggling up and getting comfortable to slip to sleep. I couldn't sleep for a bit as my mind raced with thoughts of how much I loved the man before me and how I can't wait to spend as much time with him as possible. I cracked one eye open to look at him one last time before slipping away to a peaceful sleep.

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