Movie Night, Games, And Mischief

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"Oh, sorry, the note said 'Earbuds'. Am I interrupting?"

"No, it's fine, what's up?"

"We're gathering for movie night and I figured I'd ask if-"

"I'm alright."

"No c'mon, go watch the movie."

"No really, it's fine. I'm fine. Thanks for the offer, Sam."

"Alright, you coming Buck?"

"In a minute."

"Ok, I'll let Steve know to make extra popcorn for you."

Bucky shakes his head at Sam and he laughs as he shuts the door, his footsteps walking away.

"Why not watch the movie?"

"Too many people."

"You've been here for two years and you still can't hang out with your team?"

"Just because I did once and it turned into a giant game of dare or drink and I'm not one for that game."

"Oh? That sounds fun. Either way let's go, get out of your room."

Bucky grabbed my hands and stood up, dragging me with him. I fell against his chest and looked up at him, my mouth agape as I tried to think of what to say.

"C'mon, it's not gonna kill you."

"That's not my concern. What about my painting?"

"Finish it later."


"Oh c'mon, (Y/n). It'll be fun. I'll sit next to you to protect you, how's that?"

I roll my eyes, realizing quickly that I'm not winning this fight. I nod and he smiles, pulling me into his arms and dragging me out of my room to the living room area. As we emerged into the room, all eyes landed on me and Bucky.



"Gonna watch the movie with us?"

"I suppose so..."

Everyone cheered and Bucky led me to a couch to sit with him. I rolled my eyes and got comfortable. Tony and Steve returned with bowls of popcorn for everyone, and Wanda came behind them with a tub of drinks. Sodas, beer, wine, and water. Jeez... is this what I've been missing out on?

"Bucky, grab me a beer please."

"Sure thing."

He leans over and grabs two beers from the tub letting Nat open them, and handing one to me. We cheers and I take a drink as the movie starts. It's some comedy-romance movie that Tony picked out; knowing him it's probably cheesy and dumb. But, oh well. As we watched the movie Clint and Tony made fun of the main character constantly, making the group laugh. Every now and then Tony cracked a joke and Nat or Sam picked it up, continuing it. After the movie and everyone was a little tipsy Tony and Steve cleaned up the area. I looked over at Bucky and then up at Steve who came back with Tony.

"Alright, y'all. Game time!"

"Tony, no, don't scare (Y/n) away."

"No c'mon, I'm sure she wants to play, right?"

I open my mouth to argue, but Bucky grips my hand and holds it tight, staring into my eyes. I roll my eyes and sink into the couch.



"But let's play Truth or Dare this time so no one wakes up with a hangover."

"Alright, fine. Who wants to go first?"

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