No Longer Just A Person

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A few tears trickled down my cheek, the first of many. From that day on, they imprinted me, they beat me, they trained me, they conditioned me, they broke me, they completely broke me... I wasn't myself anymore... I was no longer (Y/n) or Ivory Wing... I was simply The Assassin. They sent me on some missions, I did things I told myself I never would, I hurt people, I killed people, I tortured people. I destroyed anything in my way and killed anyone who tried to stop me. Anyone who did anything more than just get in my way I brought back to this compound to torture. It felt amazing. This is what I wanted from day one. This is what I could've been doing instead of hurting myself. I came back from a mission, dropping what I recovered on the desk of my new girlfriend, Cassandra. It's been a few months now that I've been working for Hydra. Clearly, those visions were just bullshit. And now I have a family that loves me, actually loves me, and proves it. They don't hurt me anymore and they let me roam the compound. They haven't needed to wipe me or condition me in quite some time, I'm happy to be working for them. Much happier than I was with the Avengers, which happen to be my next target.

I returned to my room after sharing a quick kiss with Cassandra. I shut the door and laid on my bed. I've continued having visions of Bucky. Recently it turned from missing him to filling him in on everything I've done. I've even surpassed his kill count. I look forward to these visions, to see the genuine fear in Bucky's eyes and watching him cry as I stray further and further away. I shut my eyes and entered into the tower, sitting in my room next to Bucky.

"Please... this has to stop..."

"It never will. Soon they'll send me to get you."

"We found the compound they're holding you in. We found you. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Not at all. I have a real family here. I have people who care about me, value me, want me, love me, need me. Something I knew I didn't have with the Avengers."

"Except you did! Everyone loves you, we haven't done anything, but search for you since you went missing. Do you even..."

"Do I what?"

"Do you even care about us?"

"Sure, maybe like three months ago."

"Do you even love me anymore?"

"Again, maybe like three months ago. I love Cassandra, and god does she love me."

He started crying, quickly wiping away his tears as he nods.

"Your kill count is getting out of control. We... we actually found you that way. You are our newest enemy."

"Then come get me."

"We... can't."

"And why's that?"

"We would have to kill you or find a way to get the conditioning out of you."

"Good luck with that."

"I know, thanks. (Y/n) doesn't this mean anything to you? We can find you, we can bring you home, we can take care of you."

"Nat didn't listen to me, Wanda didn't step in, and you didn't let me stay home. It's your guy's fault that I'm here. And I'm happy here, and now you want me back?"

"Baby, please. I... I need you."

"Then come get me dammit!"

I realized at that moment my mind shattered, my cover, my training, my conditioning, everything broke.

"Come and fucking save me! You've left me here for months! You haven't even tried to come and get me! If you need to kill me then fucking do it! Set me free, please! I can't do this anymore!"

I sat up as tears started streaming down my cheeks, I dug my nails into my scalp as I screamed at him. My everything, crashing down. He wrapped his arms around me and I pushed him off.

"What've you done?! They're going to wipe me!"

"We'll get to you, the second this vision ends, we're going. I promise we'll find you! Don't give up on me, Doll, please!"

And my eyes open to a knocking on my room door. I sat up, tears streaming down my cheeks and a thin line of blood trailing down from my scalp. Cassandra walked in, her smile falling instantly.

"Oh, baby... No..."

"I... I don't..."

She walked over to me, wiping my tears and cleaning off the blood, she sighed heavily. I looked up at her through blurry vision, knowing she knew what had to be done.

"Baby, I'm sorry, but you know we have to..."


"It has to be done."

"No it doesn't... I'll be good! I'll obey and listen... Please don't wipe me..."

"I'm sorry... We have to, or at least..."

She stroked my hair, tapping the side of my head. They haven't had to command me since I was imprinted with it.

"You don't have to. I'm still all yours. I belong to Hydra!"

"But you won't be as efficient. You're thinking about them. They got into your head."

I shook my head, begging desperately to put her back on my side, but she wouldn't falter. She stood before me, extending her hand for me to take. I wasn't getting out of this, I nodded slowly and took her hand. We walked to the labs and she sat me down, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek before walking to the control panel. I looked over at her and begged with my eyes, I didn't want to be wiped or commanded, I just wanted to be me... She clicked a series of buttons and walked behind my chair.


My blood starting pumping quickly throughout my body


I shut my eyes, trying to fight it


I clenched my jaw, trying to hold onto my thoughts of Bucky and the team finding me


My eyes shot open, the restraints on my chair wrapped up over my arms, keeping me in place


I let out a scream, my thoughts escaping me


I looked out in front of me, my vision turning blurry


I wasn't myself anymore, I had no control


A smile crept onto my face, thoughts of an oncoming mission flooding my mind


My breathing slowed to a normal pace and I relaxed in my chair


I was the Assassin yet again.

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