Trouble In Paradise

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After cuddling up to Bucky I was able to get a couple hours of sleep. But, when I woke up, I didn't feel Bucky behind me. I turned to see his shirt was also gone, and I just happened to hear Steve and Bucky arguing right outside my door; clearly trying to be quiet, but not enough to get past my hearing.

"She offered to let me sleep in her bed, it's not my fault! Nothing happened Steve!"

"It's not that something happened or not, it's the fact that you were shirtless with your arm wrapped around her!"

"We all shift in our sleep."

"Bucky, tell me, what happened last night after I left."

"Fine, after you left she offered to let me stay, I asked if she was sure and she said yes. So, I took her up on her offer. That's it."

"Then how did that lead to your arm around her?"

"I don't know Steve! I shifted in my sleep I guess."

"Tell me the truth."

"Fine. But don't get pissed at me."

"That's to be determined by what the hell you're about to say."

"I woke up and she was holding my hand, she put her sketchbook away and we talked for a while because she wasn't able to sleep. She admitted to liking me, I kept trying to tell her it wasn't a good idea. So we sat and talked, I told her all about me and it led to us..." Silence, I giggled to myself silently as I heard the struggle in his voice. "Us being together now."

Steve didn't say anything for a good minute and I was tempted to step outside and see if he fainted or what, then there was a thumping sound, a pat on the back maybe.

"Well, why didn't you just say that."

"Cause you were pissed at me for being in the bed with her, I figured you wouldn't want to hear that."

"No, Buck, this is great news."

"Really? You're not at all concerned with her falling in love with a guy she just met? Let alone me?!"

"No, that's a her thing, I don't control her."

I walked over to the door and opened it, startling the two men before me, "Really? You sure act like it sometimes."

Steve chuckled and let his head fall, "I don't, I might act like that sometimes, but I know I don't. I'm just protective."

"Whatever you say, Dad."

I playfully punch Steve in the shoulder and move to stand next to Bucky. He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"So this all happened last night, huh? You sure it wasn't just the beer and wine talking?"

"I'm very sure, Steve."

He nods to me and smiles, "Then I'm happy for the two of you."

There was a slight hint of pain in his voice, a hint he did his best to hide. I shook the thought away and dragged Bucky back into my room as Steve walked away. I shut the door behind me, staring Bucky down.

"You two aren't good at being quiet."

"We tried, not our fault."

"What happened?"

"Steve came by to check on you and saw me in your bed, holding you. He dragged me away, out of the room, and started scolding me. You heard the rest."

"That man."

We chuckled and I smirked, looking up at him. This relationship of ours will be nothing but interesting. I wonder what Natasha will think, oh shit... what will Natasha think...

Introvert - Bucky × Reader - Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now