The Death You Deserve

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"Before we go, I want to do one more thing."

Bucky looked down at me surprised, but placed me down. I dropped my feet to the ground and immediately flew into the air, flying back to the compound. I knew damn well these agents would pay for what they did to me. I felt eyes on me and turned to see Thor, Sam, Rhodey, Tony, Vision, and Wanda flying after me, with the team on the ground following close behind. I smirked, these agents were about to get a whole lotta hell. We landed just outside the doors to the compound and I inputted the code to let me in. The flyers, Bucky, and Steve followed me inside to deal with the agents while everyone else stayed outside to deal with the stragglers. The second we walked in, all hell broke loose. I glided through the immense amount of agents with ease while my friends took care of them. I had one thought, and that thought was to murder Cassandra in the most torturous way possible.

I made my way through the compound, fighting some agents and letting my friends deal with the rest. Bucky made his way over to me and walked with me deeper into the compound. I knew Cassandra would be in the safe room at this point. She told me where it was in case we were ever invaded and things got bad. I grabbed my daggers out, flipping and messing with them as we walked. Finally, we arrived at the back of the compound next to the labs. I approached the now closed panic room door and knocked softly.

"Oh love~ Come on out."

"You betrayed us!"

I chuckled and went to grab the center of the door, slowly and carefully tearing it open. The machinery on the inside was very carefully made and wired so if I just tore it open it would shock and most likely kill me. I moved my hands back and forth along the inseam of the two doors until I eventually could just force it open. I took a deep breath and forced the two doors apart to see Cassandra cowering in the corner.

"Aw baby, why do you seem so afraid?"

I walked in, approaching her slowly. She threw some things at me and I deflected everything. I stood before her, grabbing her by her shirt and lifting her so we were face to face. She tried to fight, but she was far too afraid to think clearly. I smirked.

"You seem scared."

I flipped my dagger in my hand and drove it through her side, in between her ribs. She screamed out in pain, her legs still kicking as she tried to free herself from my grip. I pulled my dagger out and turned to walk with her.

"You guys might not want to see all of this."

I smirked at my team and walked with, a now bleeding Cassandra, dragging her through the compound to the torture chamber. A place where I tortured and killed countless people simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I opened the door and threw her in, driving her into the ground. She moaned out in pain and I shut the door behind me, not letting my team see what I was about to do. I kicked her in the side, forcing her further into the chamber. She coughed up some blood and desperately tried to move to her knees. I watched as she moved, ever so slowly to sit on her knees.

"Please... spare me... please..."

"Did you spare me?"

"We saved you."

I frowned, cracking my knuckles and kicking her further into the room.

"Saved me?!"

I kicked her again, leaning down and picking her up to restrain her. I placed her in the center of a ring and metallic clasps came out, stretching to apprehend her. Once it all clicked I let her go. She cried out in pain from just the clasps alone, trying to get me to change my mind. I tightened the restraints and pulled out my daggers.

"Just kill me, please, don't do this!"

I smirked, walking towards her and ripping her top away from her, dropping it on the floor. I smiled quite the evil smile, and approached her.

"You're going to die a gruesome, painful death, by my hand, not the machine's."

"Please... please just stab me and get it over with!"

She had started to cry, knowing that death by my hand is far worse than anything the machines could do. I let my head fall back as I laughed. I snapped my head up and slashed her stomach. She let out a shrill cry, but it didn't matter to me. I had grown immune to the screams and cries of my victims. I continued to slash at her stomach, repeatedly leaving shallow cuts to make her bleed. I moved to cut up her arms, as I continued to cut her up my grin only grew. I let out a laugh as I finished up on her other arm. I moved down to her legs, cutting them up without care. She continued to scream out and desperately call out for help. But the walls in this chamber were completely soundproof, no one could hear her even if they were just on the other side of the door. I dropped my daggers and clapped twice, a light shining on my weapons wall. I walked over and pulled out a machete. She was so weak at this point that even if I dropped her she wouldn't be able to get away.

I walked back over and lifted my machete to her neck. She cried and turned to look away. I smirked, dropping it and slicing her leg in half. She screamed in agony and I sliced her other leg as well. Now she was simply hanging by her arms, sliced up, and bleeding to death. I smiled and walked over to her. I cupped her chin, making her look at me through her tear-filled eyes. I smirked, kissing her softly, before slicing her neck clean off her body. I blinked as I wiped some blood away, disabling the machine as her torso dropped to the floor. I smiled and laughed a bit as I turned to walk out of the room, joining my team. They immediately noticed the blood that splattered all over me and they all looked horrified. I smirked, bending my arm over my head and letting the machete hang next to me.

"So, we going?"

"Y-yeah I suppose so."

I smiled and joined Bucky as we walked out of the compound into the forest. I heard whispering from Vision, Clint, Steve, and Rhodey. I recognized they were scared of me, but I didn't care. Bucky looked over and down at me and smirked.

"The hell did you do in there?"

"Oh, nothing."

I looked up at him, smirking, and spinning my machete. I bit my lip to him and he chuckled as we continued our walk through the forest and to the Quinjet.

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