Make Up And Make Out

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"How long have you been there?"

"A few minutes."

"Any reason, in particular, that you're there?"

"It's a nice view. Quite relaxing, helps me think."

"There's plenty of windows throughout the tower, why are you here at this one?"

He looks over at me and stands, walking over and sitting next to me. I take a drink and wipe my lips, looking over at him. He looks over at me and sighs.

"I can't stay here."

"K, great. Anything else?"

He looks taken aback and his jaw drops. He tilts his head in confusion, clearly expecting a different response.

"I heard what you were talking about with Vision."


I looked over at him, taking another swig of beer. I'm waiting for an apology. When he gives one, I'll give mine.

"Anything you want to say?"


I move to sit facing him, he stares at me, clearly losing his temper.



"Do you really not care?"

"Do you?"


"Because the second you left, I erupted into tears. I've been crying and scratching at my back. You fucked me up, badly. If you want to say something about it then say something you asshole. If not, get the fuck out of my room and don't come back."

He stared in awe as I finished my beer, turning to place the bottle on my nightstand, lifting the edge of my shirt, clearly showing him my new scars on my back. As I looked back at him he looked afraid, close to tears, and he was shaking. I leaned against my hand and waited for him to say something; clearly, he didn't want to. But, I wasn't going to apologize until he did. He started it, he should apologize first. He continued to just stare at me, I sighed, looking over my painting of his eye. I looked back at him and he had tears welling up, I tilted my head curiously, staring into his eyes.

"(Y/n)..." His voice was shaky and I could tell he was internally fighting himself, "I..."

"If you're going to say, 'this is why you shouldn't love me' get the fuck out. I'm not going to listen to-"

He quickly lunged forward, pulling me into a tight hug. My eyes shot open and I felt him crying against me. I hesitantly placed my hands on his back, rubbing slow circles to calm him down.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/n)... I fucked up alright? I fucked up bad."

I sighed, pushing him back and cupping his chin.

"So did I. I'm sorry too."

He gave me a soft smile as he wiped his eyes. I pulled him forward, kissing him softly. He tightened his grip on me, pulling me into his lap as our lips moved in sync. I wrapped my legs around his back and clasped my hands behind his neck. Eventually, we pulled away to breathe, staring into each other's eyes longingly. For a moment we sat in a choking silence, neither of us wanting to speak up.

"You're a bitch when you're mad."

"And you're a douche when you are."

We laughed and he let me go. I sat next to him and his smile fell.

"Let me see your back."

"No, it's fine, really."

"Let me see, (Y/n)."

Introvert - Bucky × Reader - Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now