Ruining The Moment

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I sat on my bed, flipping through a book, barely paying it any mind as I thought back to my time with Hydra. It's been a few months that I've been back with the team and yet I can never stop thinking of my time in that hellhole. What they put me through and made me do. I had nightmares often about the things I did to people when I brought them back to the compound. It got so bad in fact that Bucky now sleeps in my room to wake me if my nightmares get too bad. The amount of times that I've kicked or punched him is quite astonishing. Although he doesn't mind. I've bruised him up a bit and bent the metal in his right arm, but he still doesn't care. The thought that I could actually hurt him plagues my mind, what if I hurt him to the point of no return? What if he couldn't wake me up? What if I hurt someone else on the team?

I heard a knock on my door and put the book down, looking over as a note was slid under it. I cracked my neck and walked over to pick it up. I immediately recognized the handwriting as Clint's, 'Hey, movie night tonight. You coming?' I smiled and wrote 'yes', sliding the note back under the door. I walked back over to my bed and laid down looking at all the art on my wall. I've painted quite a few portraits of Bucky, some of Steve, a couple more of Vision, and some of Wanda and Nat. There were also some owls and eyes. Steve had a couple of his in his room and Wanda and Nat convinced Tony to put some up around the tower. I looked at all my drawings as well, more of some of the members on the team, a fair amount of animals, and a few of Bucky. I smiled, I'm definitely happier here. I had zoned out completely that I only noticed Bucky when he sat on the bed next to me. I inhaled sharply as I jumped slightly into the air.

"Y'know, for someone with such heightened senses, you're awfully jumpy."

"It's because of my heightened senses that I'm so jumpy."

"Logically, you shouldn't be."

"Is that so?"

I turned to face him and he nodded.

"You should be able to hear me coming from a mile away. And it was that way, before."

"Yeah, before I could zone out for hours if no one bothered me."

We chuckled, knowing he meant before Hydra. I sighed and he extended his arms to me. I smiled, moving closer to him and wrapping my arms around him for a tight hug. We've grown very comfortable around each other and with each other around the team. And god do they love to see it. Whenever we're playing truth or dare, we're very careful with who we take a dare from. Unless of course, we're drunk, then all we say is dare. Although I've never taken a truth from Bucky, not sure why I just never have. Plus he usually just dares me to sing, which I've gotten better at in front of the team, they love hearing me sing. Still haven't danced in front of them yet, and I don't think I ever will.

"So, what cheesy movie do you think Tony picked for today?"

"Who knows, he's great at finding the stupidest movies."

"He really is."

I pulled back and cupped Bucky's chin, bringing him down for a kiss. He melted against me and held me tighter as I cradled his head with one hand and lightly scratched at his back with the other. One thing I've learned, that I'll never forget, is that Bucky hates his hair being pulled. And god do I love doing it. I'm just glad he hasn't pulled mine or we would have a very different relationship. When I start to run out of breath I pull at his hair to pull him away. He groans and stares at me with fire in his eyes. He's yet to find a way to get back at me, but I can tell he's getting close to a breakthrough; and if that isn't the scariest thing I don't know what is.

"Y'know, sometimes I think I'm too soft with you."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, what if I just-"

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