Visions To Keep Sane

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I sat on my bed, mindlessly scratching at my back in a fit of rage and sorrow. I swayed slightly with every breath. I sat in this cell-like room for a while until the Hydra agents claimed they needed me again. I took some deep breaths, trying at this point to just stay awake, although falling into an eternal sleep sounded quite nice. Then the door opened and I looked over at the girl. Her name was Cassandra, I heard the agents talking about her while they passed my cell. She walked in and stared at my hands digging into my skin. I pulled them away, droplets of blood dripping to the floor and I grabbed the underside of the bed.

"I've said it enough for you to remember. Stop scratching."

I nodded mindlessly. I swear I wasn't even alive, I don't remember the last thing I ate or if I've even drunk anything. I've been here for... a week maybe? It's been more than a few days, I know that. She handed me a bottle of water and I pushed it away.

"Drink dammit."

I shook my head and she slapped me, knocking me down to my elbows. I spit ahead of me and refused to look back at her. She threw the water so it landed just in front of me.


I took a deep breath and sat up, grabbing the water and chugging it down. I dropped the bottle on the ground and stared at the wall.

"Good, we're going to imprint you today. Are you ready?"

I said nothing, I haven't spoken since being thrown in this cell after I stopped screaming for help.

"The Avengers won't find you, my love. It's been a week and a half. They don't care about you. Even Natasha didn't care enough to listen to you. If anything, it's their fault you're here."

I snapped, dashing across the room and wrapping my hand around her neck, pinning her to the wall. She kicked her legs and pounded on my wrist as she gasped for breath.

"R-remem...ber... B-buc-ky..."

I took a deep breath, waiting for her eyes to roll a bit before dropping her. I smirked slightly as she struggled. Her eyes started to roll and I let her go, watching her fall to the ground. I sat back on my bed and stared her down.

"Cocky. I like it."

She stood up and brushed herself off a bit.

"You know, my love-"

"Stop calling me that."

"Oh, she speaks. I'll call you whatever I want. After this is all over, you'll be all mine."

She took a step forward and cupped my chin making me look up at her. I growled, not wanting even her touch. I hated the feeling of her against my skin in any way. She smirked and leaned in, kissing me. I left my eyes open and bit her lip. She jerked away, her hand to her face in disgust.

"One more little stunt and I'll get Bucky myself just to kill him in front of you."

And she walked out, slamming the door. I wiped my lips and spit on the floor. They have to come... they have to. I know they are looking, they have to be. They couldn't have just forgotten about me by now... right? God, I'd do anything to be in my own bed in Bucky's arms again. I started to think about him and tears welled up in my eyes. I wiped them away and stared at the wall. What am I thinking? If they cared they'd have found me by now. They'd have killed or imprisoned these assholes and taken me home. It's clear where their intentions lay at this point. It's been a week and a half... Maybe I shouldn't feel bad about this. Maybe I should be happy I was found by people who kinda care about me. Who knows, maybe she does love me... maybe... she cares...

I shifted my position to lay on my side, I hadn't slept in a couple of days, maybe I can sneak in a nap before they imprint me. I lay my head back, wrapping my arms around myself and bringing my knees to my chest. I take a deep breath and shut my eyes, drifting to a semi peaceful sleep. I opened my eyes and I could tell I was dreaming, I was back in the tower, on the couch in the area next to the kitchen. I stood up and walked to my room, no one was in the tower. But when I opened the door to my room, sitting on my bed, was none other than Bucky. I wanted to run to him, but I also wanted to run from him. I turned to walk away and felt a metal hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Bucky, staring into my eyes and crying.

"(Y/n)... you're back..."

"No, this is a dream. And you all lied to me."

"Baby, I'd never lie."

"Then why haven't you and the team found me?"

"We're looking, (Y/n). We've been searching ever since Nat and Wanda came back without you."

I blinked a few times, this seemed very real... is this some sort of vision?

"I miss you... I miss you so much!"

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly, I hesitantly held him and he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me by my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and the tears started trickling down my cheeks. He looked up at me, holding me against the wall next to my door.

"Don't cry, Babydoll. We'll find you. I know we will."

"I hope so... they're going to imprint me."

"No, the hell, they won't. We'll be there. I promise, Tony, Steve, Nat, and I haven't slept since you didn't come home. We will find you."

Then I opened my eyes, laying on this bed in my cell. That was so real... maybe it was a vision of some sort. God, what I wouldn't give to hold him in my arms. Then my cell door opened and Cassandra walked in. She tapped my shoulder, I unwrapped my arms, stretched my legs, and sat up, swaying from fatigue.

"You need to eat and you need a night of rest. Come with me."

I obediently followed after her. I swayed as I walked, stepping over myself and tripping every now and then. I lifted my head and took a deep breath, the rush of oxygen hitting me where I needed it. I dropped to the floor and passed out. When I finally came to I was back in my cell. A plate of food, water, and a note in front of me.

"Eat and drink. If I return and you're awake without that tray empty, I'll find him."

I sighed and started eating, whoever made this did a good job. It's delicious. Almost as good as Steve's cooking. I finished my food and downed my water, then I moved the tray away and laid down, wanting nothing more than to sleep for a night. And that's what I did. I opened my eyes; back to the dream world I suppose. I walked around the tower, looking for someone. I found Bucky in the labs, Tony and Steve with him. But, only Bucky turned to face me.

"You're back."

"I am, I passed out and they returned me to my cell to eat and sleep."

"You're trying to kill yourself before they finish setting you up. It won't work, they'll finish their job sooner rather than later."

"Are you any closer to finding me?"

"Nat went back to the club and found the license plate of the person who drove you away. We also finally got the security camera footage and we've found our suspect."

"But, you're no closer to finding a location..."

"No... but we will find you. We have eyes and ears everywhere. The second we find where that car went, we'll get you. I promise."

"I just hope it's soon enough."

I wiped an oncoming tear and he came over to hug me. I wonder what this looks like from Bucky's perspective. I know I'm asleep to get here, but he said he hasn't slept since I went missing. Who knows at this point. I hugged him tightly, snuggling against him as he stroked my hair.

"I'll find you, even if it kills me."

Then my eyes shot open, before me stood Cassandra. I sat up to face her and she smiled.

"You slept, and you ate. We can start the imprinting."

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