Night 18: November 22nd, 2020

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I think I got the closest I've ever gotten last night! But I'm still pretty bummed I didn't shift fully. I'm not giving up though! 

Last night I showered and cleaned to clear my head and make sure I had nothing to worry about, then when I was ready to shift I turned on my YouTube subliminal and started the raven method. Nothing happened until number 20, I felt numb, and almost like I was floating. Then at around 40, I felt very detached from my DR, I was also numb, dizzy, felt like I was floating. Around this time I also started hearing voices, I don't remember that well but I think Hermione was saying "Don't wake her", or something like that. I also heard Harry and Ron, but I can't remember what they were saying. After this experience, I kind of fell asleep, but the next time I woke up I was in my CR bed and there was an ad on the YouTube video. 

I then turned on my Spotify subs because I didn't want to be distracted. A few minutes after this, I got the worst headache I've gotten in a while. So after I waited for the headache to go away, I started doing the I  am method. Nothing much happened during this, I got the usual symptoms, numbness, dizziness, twitches. But this time I also heard the fire crackling! 

I think I was halfway there! I was so close to home! I'm not really sure why I didn't shift after I heard Hermione, I guess I'll just have to accept that shifting takes time. But I think I'm getting closer! 

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