Night 32: December 22, 2020

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Ok, so I didn't try to shift last night, but I did dream about shifting. 

So basically my dream was about me waking up and remembering a dream I had a long time ago. Then in my dream, I was thinking about whether I shifted when that 'dream' occurred or not. Id also like to note that the dream I was talking about in my dream, I actually dreamed about in real life. I'm sorry this is so confusing. Anyway, so I basically thought that I had shifted in the past because I had such a vivid dream. Then, the dream started happening again, and I kept feeling déjà vu as if it has happened before. So the dream I thought was actually shifting, must have been real/shifting experience. 

Then, when I woke up in real life, it all felt like a memory that had happened again. The only reason I don't think I shifted last night was because it didn't feel like actual life, because only dreams can be that weird and change within seconds. 

The dream I thought was a shifting experience in my dream last night:

I don't remember much other than it was in a fantasy world and there were magic and creatures. Kind of like the Harry Potter world. The most important scene I remember is being a room with my mom and Draco. My mom and I shared one bed and Draco had the other one. In the dream, I did not know Draco but I had a huge crush on him. One thing that stands out to me is thinking, "Wow we're so close right now". That's it lol. 

One more thing I would like to say, this dream I had (not the one I had last night. The one with Draco), felt so real. Like it feels like a distant memory that I had forgotten and now it is reappearing in my mind. But I don't remember dreaming about it. But also this feels like I dreamed it a long time ago, way before I even knew who Draco was. 

This dream I had last night felt so vivid! I woke up in real life thinking I was going to have spilled milk on my floor (don't ask LMAO). 

Please, if any of you know what is going on please comment. I'm so confused! 

And I'm sorry if that didn't make much sense, I just woke up and I tried to get it out before I forgot. Though this dream was very vivid so I don't think I will forget it. 

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