Night 22: November 29th, 2020

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Guys, I got close last night! 

I started the night off by watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (the best one, in my opinion, because of how hot Draco and Harry are). 

Last night I wanted to try something different because, why not! So I tried the non-sleep method, I thought this would be perfect since I have a really hard time falling asleep. 

So while doing the non-sleep method, I felt very disconnected from my cr, probably because I had watched a Harry Potter movie. I felt twitching, numbness, levitating. I also felt like my body was going to sleep and my mind was staying awake. And this is basically what happens when you shift. So I was getting hopeful. Another thing I felt was kind of like I was being lifted into my dr. I don't really know how to explain it. But I never heard any voices or smelt anything from my dr. 

I would also like to note that I never listened to any Subliminals, and this is because I thought it would work best for me not to if I was using the nonsleep method since the videos always help me sleep for some reason. 

Then my dog made a bizarre sound and that snapped me out of it! 

Anyway, good luck everyone! You will shift, say it with me!

I will shift 

Shifting is easy 

I am really good at shifting 

I have shifted before (if you say affirmations like this it will trick your mind to think that you have done it and that whatever you are saying you've done, is easy)

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