Night 29 update: December 16, 2020

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I got no sleep last night. I tried visualizing and saying affirmations, plus I was listening to subs. I got really close; it felt like my mind was awake, but my body was asleep. I heard noise this time; it was kind of like a whisper, but since I was listening to subs, I guess it could have been that (though there was no voice in the video so idk). Then once I was super close, people in my house made a noise. But no, it did not stop there! The animals kept pawing at my door all night long. So yeah, I didn't shift. I came close, but because of distractions, I was unsuccessful. I have decided to take a break from shifting for the rest of the week, so the next chapter will probably be on Monday morning since I will try again Sunday night. 

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