Chapter 2

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Day One

"You are evil!" I exclaim, walking into my class and glaring at Hana. Some students look at me, staring at with looks of disapproval. "Sorry." I mumble, bowing to them.

"So? How was it? How did it go?" Hana asks excitedly, pulling me into the chair next to her.

"We didn't walk home." I cross my arms, looking at her.

"Where did you guys go?" She gasps. "The park? Dinner? Did you guys make out?" She squeals and I quickly cover her mouth.

Just then, a familiar voice booms through the classroom.

"Sasaki Eri!" Tendou points at me. "A visitor is here." He moves out the way of the door and extends his hands like a 'ta-daa!'

In comes Ushijima, hands stuffed in his pockets. I take my hands away from Hana as Ushijima swiftly raises one hand and waves at me.

"Good morning. Don't forget about our plans." He says before walking out.

"And that is all." Tendou laughs before running after his friend.

Everyone turns slowly and stares at me. My mouth hangs open and I feel like I'm in a daze.

Did that really just happen?

I hear whispers start and some people immediately go on their phones, typing rapidly. My cheeks turn red and I put my head on my desk, covering myself with my arms.

"Oh my god." Hana laughs. "Holy shit!"

"I'm so embarrassed." I whisper, wanting to disappear.

"That was gold. Eri you're so lucky!" Hana shakes me. "Imagine having the Ushijima Wakatoshi come to your class and telling you good morning. You're blessed! Blessed I tell you!"

"You were just saying how it was a curse yesterday!" I lift my head up, my cheeks still sporting a reddish tint.

"That was before he came into our class. He's hot. As hell! The way he said good morning- oh god." Hana damn nearly passes out.

"This is gross. You're so gross. God- why am I your friend?" I pretend gag and she hits me just as the teacher walks in.

The day goes by relatively fast, and it's making me nervous. Before I know it, it's already time for lunch.

"You look like you did before you went to your first shoot." Hana notes and I roll my eyes.

"Gee. Thanks." I say sarcastically, knowing it's not a compliment.

We get lunch before finding a table and sitting down. On the menu today was Salmon, rice, miso soup, and an assortment of vegetables. A perk of attending an academy like Shiratorizawa is that we never have bad food.

"Seriously dude, calm down. What are you so nervous about? You're just going to watch him play volleyball and then a date. You've been on dates before." Hana looks at me from across the table as she takes a small bite of salmon into her mouth.

"Not with one of the top 3 aces in our country." I say bitterly, shoving a spoonful of rice into my mouth.

"Oh my," Hana laughs. "Are you actually upset?" Amusement is evident in her eyes.

"I'm not upset's just- I don't know." My shoulders drop and I sigh.

"Eri." My best friend calls my name seriously, which is something she rarely does. "Stop that. Stop everything. You always get like this after you're given an opportunity or something." She sighs.

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