Chapter 19

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(I don't remember if I put this picture already, but it's funny so it's okay to see it twice 😌 but anyways, this is kind of just going to be a filler chapter. Most of it, or maybe a little more than half, is going to be about them talking about the intimate part of their lives, so yeah. Just a fair warning, bc it might be boring to some)

"Are your arms okay? How do you feel?" I ask as I lay next to Ushijima on his bed. They had to do 100 serves due to their loss.

Hana and Tendou are in the room we share, so we have this one to ourselves.

"I feel fine, just a bit sore to be honest." He lifts his arms up before letting them fall down.

"You'll probably feel it a lot tomorrow." I note and he nods in agreement.

We lay in silence for a while before a small smile comes over my face.

"I think you made Goshiki's entire high school career today." I say, remembering Ushijima criticizing everyone at practice today except for him.

"How so?" He asks, turning to look at me. I remember the way his face softened and how he smiled just a bit as he didn't tell him there's anything he needs to work on.

"You said you're counting on him. Even though he likes to challenge you and seems incredibly confident at times- he looks up to you. Hearing those words made him cry, he's probably been wanting to hear that ever since he joined the team." I chuckle. The practice today was super emotional, and I definitely sobbed as the third years said goodbye.

"Goshiki was already mentally reprimanding himself. He knows exactly what he needs to do in order to get stronger, so there would be no use in me telling him what he already knows. There's nobody else more fitting to be the ace after me, than him." At this, I look over at Ushijima, grinning.

"You're such a softie." I say and place a hand on his cheek. I search his eyes for a moment before kissing his forehead. "You's okay to be sad about the game. You can let it all out right here, I won't tell anybody." I say quietly and his eyes darken, but not in the exciting way that I'm used to.

"I just can't believe...I lost." He sighs and turns onto his back, making my hand fall. "To them of all people. Hinata Shōyō and Kageyama Tobio."

"But Karasuno has more strong players other than just them, didn't they?" I ask. "But those two, they're monsters huh?" I can see him ponder the question for a moment before a tiny smile comes over his face and he chuckles.

"Yeah" He responds, though I'm not sure to which part he's agreeing with.

"Enough about the game though. I'll be on a different team after I graduate anyways." He says and I turn onto my back as well.

"Who are you thinking of trying out for?" I ask.

"The Schweiden Adlers." He responds. "But I want to eventually go overseas somewhere."

"Like where? I was thinking the same thing with modeling. I want to try a different country." I hum and he looks over at me. I meet his eyes and give him a small smile.

"Let's go to Poland some day, try to get an offer from there." He says seriously and I laugh.

"I can't just have people scout me." I shake my head.

"Well that's fine. I want to be someone you can depend on, so it'll be okay if you quit your job. I just want you to come to as many games of mine as you can." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I don't want to quit. And of course I'll come to all your games." I say. "Also, you're already somebody I depend on." At this, his eyes widen slightly but then they soften.

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