Chapter 16

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"Good evening Sasaki-San, how are you doing tonight?" The interviewer asks me. Sat up straight with one leg crossed over the other, I send a small smile her way.

"I'm doing alright, Hito-San. And yourself?" I ask politely.

There's about 25 people in the audience, which is all my agency allowed for me to do. This is also being recorded, and the amount of cameras terrifies me.

I wish Hana or Ushijima were sitting next to me. Instead, the both of them plus Tendou were in a room in the back, watching from there.

"I'm doing well, lets get started. I know all these people are dying to know what's going on. I would like to ask you a few questions first before we open the floor to the audience. How does that sound?" She asks.

I knew I was at a fairly okay agency, I knew I got paid well, I knew I was being scouted. But what I didn't know is how much attention this 'scandal' got. Enough to put a maximum number of people who can be here, and enough to have a live press conference. This can make or break my career, and possibly hurt Ushijima's as well.

How did I ever get myself into such a shitty situation? It makes me want to laugh...

"That sounds perfect." I answer, folding my hands in my lap

"So this...'Yami' girl- who is the one making all these claims- what is your relationship with her?" Hito crosses her legs much like mine, shoving one of the notecards she's holding in the back of her stack.

"I do not have any sort of relationship with her. I have not really communicated much with her before, it's to my understanding that we only attend the same school." I respond, my voice coming out strong and unwavering despite the nervousness I feel inside.

"Not at all? I have screenshots from her twitter of her calling you her enemy. Surely you two have talked to each other more than a few times." Hito looks at me quizzically, and I shake my head.

"I believe that is due to my relationship with Ushijima Wakatoshi." I respond, preventing myself from biting my lip.

"Oh, I was going to bring him up as well, you beat me to it." Hito laughs softly and I join her, not really sure what to do. "So what exactly is your relationship with him?"

"Ushijima-Kun and I are dating." I respond. Yesterday I talked with Hana, Ushijima, and Tendou to get permission to talk about potential subjects they may bring up during this. Thankfully, they all agreed to everything.

Whispers start among the crowd, some of them beginning to take pictures. This isn't any new news, Yami yaps about it all day.

"How long have you two been dating for?"

"A few months now." I say, shifting in my seat. I just want this to be over.

"And he is the reason you two got into a fight at a school?"

"I wouldn't say that, no." My eyebrow furrow. How could he be the reason why we fought if he wasn't even there. It's her own craziness.

"He's not? Please elaborate. Tell us what happened from the beginning please." Hito leans forward slightly, clearly eager to hear.

"Well, a friend and I went to watch the game. Yami-San and some of her friends were there as well. She approached me, and asked if I was still 'harassing Ushijima-Kun' and insisted that we were not actually dating, and that it was all apart of my imagination." I use my fingers as air quotes around her words. "After she said that, I told her that she is harassing me and that I would appreciate her not intervening in my relationship. She got upset at my words and poured her drink on me." Sensei, my agent, told me that I should be honest. If I lie here and people find out, it will ruin any good that comes from this.

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