Chapter 20

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"Hey," I hear a deep voice, and then a hand gently shaking me. "Wake up."

I don't want to. Leave me alone.

"Baby, wake up." I feel him poke my cheeks and I open my eyes, blinking so I can adjust to my surroundings.

Ushijima is dressed in sweatpants and a sweater, and he has our suitcases stood up by the door. Last night he made me put my things in a suitcase rather than just a duffel bag and I wasn't sure why, but I just went with it. But why does he have a suitcase? I look up at him and then the window and see that it's still dark outside.

"What time is it?" I ask tiredly, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"6:30" He answers and I groan. "Do you have everything? Phone, charger, clothes, underwear, bra, lotions? Sun screen? Tooth brush? Hair brush? Socks? You have shoes, yes? It's going to be cold, but I packed some of my sweaters for you as well. Even though it'll be cold I made you bring a swim suit just in case, you still left it in your bag right?" He asks all these questions and I just nod.

He added a bunch of things he said I'd need to my bag last night, and I don't even know why. Ushijima doesn't have a pool.

"Yes, I have everything. Is your dad here already? Why are we up so early?" I ask, leaning forward and resting my head on his torso.

"What? He won't be coming here today." He says in confusion and pushes me away so he can look in my eyes. "I told you before, my father lives in California."

I blink at him.

He said i was going to stay at his house...didn't he? Or did he say that he wanted me to stay with him? My mind races as I try to figure out the specifics but I just shake my head, putting my head in my hands.

Too early, brain hurts.

"What are you talking about?" I look up at him.

"Eri, we're going to visit my father. We're going to California, I seen your passport in your drawer while we were packing for you last night so I grabbed it." He pulls me up and walks over to his closet.

"Ushijima, sorry for my language, but what the fuck are you talking about?" I ask and he lifts my arms up, slipping his shirt off my body. He grabs one of my bras from his closet that I've left here and puts it through my arms, turning me around and clipping it himself.

"I asked you a bit ago if you wanted to meet my father. Are you upset?" He asks, turning me around again. I grab a new pair of underwear and quickly change.

He grabs a hoodie of his and also slips that onto me, then a pair of my leggings and I quickly put them on.

I think Ushijima likes dressing me, I feel like he thinks of me as a doll. Probably not, but the thought of it is funny. Although I do sometimes kind of feel like a child when he dresses me, it's kind of cute.

"I don't quite understand, so I'm not sure." I answer honestly.

"Well," He says once I'm fully dressed. "We don't have time to dwell. Our flight is soon, let's get going." He says and grabs both of our suitcases and goes downstairs.

We both slip on our shoes and then go into the car that's waiting for us outside.

Our flight, was in fact, not soon. Not soon at all. Actually, we got to the airport 3 hours early. We got there at 8 and our flight doesn't leave until 11am.

"You rested well in the car, do you understand now?" Ushijima asks as we sit down at our gate after so many check ins.

"I don't believe it." I say, kind of in a daze.

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