Chapter 3

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                                   Day Two

I knew it. I knew I should have stayed home. I knew this man was trying to kill me.

We've been running for quite a bit now, and we've left his team in the dust. How many miles has it been? Surely it's been too many.

"Ushijima-Kun, do you ever listen to music while you run?" I ask him. Most of the time we've been running we've both been silent to preserve our breath.

But I'm already breathing heavy so it doesn't matter. He, on the other hand, doesn't seem tired at all.

"Music? Hmm...sometimes." He nods. "Is that something you enjoy doing?" He looks over at me and I nod as well.

"Yes, it clears my mind. Do you want to listen to something? I have earphones you can use." I offer and he thinks for a moment.

"Sure." He agrees and I pull out my phone as we run. I unwrap my earphones and go onto Spotify.

"Do you have specific music you want to listen to?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No, play me some of your favorite tunes." He says and I giggle at his vocabulary.

I put on my favorite playlist and pass him my phone. He inserts the earphones and slips my phone into his pocket.

We continue running like that.

Only half an hour later is when we start to head back home. Ushijima is running faster now and I seriously want to cry. Every car that passes us, I stare fondly at, wishing it were me inside.

Once we finally reach the school again I lean against the wall, closing my eyes and tilting my head up. My chest heaves up and down, I feel so sticky and gross. It doesn't take me long to catch my breath and I open my eyes, only to find Ushijima staring at me.

"You did well, I'm very surprised." He says in his usual monotone voice. He takes a sip of water and then hands me my phone back. "I was surprised that you even talked sometimes and you had no problem with it." I take my phone and shove it in my pocket, quite annoyed once again.

"Ushijima-Kun." I push myself off the wall and bow to him. "I truly do appreciate you taking the time to include me in your sports activities, even if they are tests. But- how many more are going to be physically killing me?" I ask.

After a moment, I feel him lift up my shoulders so I stand upright. He lets his hands fall to his sides after that and he stares at me. I start to feel small, he's not glaring at me or anything but he's very intimidating.

"I don't need my girlfriend to bow to me." He says and I stiffen, nodding. "And you can keep up with me when running. You should be proud of that." He holds eye contact with me and I can't help but feel inferior to him.

"O-Okay." I say quietly.

"Do you want to help me practice volleyball?" He asks and I mentally sigh.

No. I want to go home.

"Sure." I force a smile at him, and we both head into the gym.

"Do you know how to set?" He asks, bringing the ball cart to one side of the court.

"Not as well as Semi-Kun or Shirabu-Kun." I say nervously.

"Just try to do your best. I'll get it over anyways."

I wish I had his confidence. I can't even say it's annoying though, because he's right. He probably will get over any set given to him.

He tosses me the ball and I start to freak out when he rushes towards the net, doing his approach.

Dare- Ushijima Wakatoshi Where stories live. Discover now