Chapter 14

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I never expected to be in a relationship with Ushijima Wakatoshi, and based on his lack of emotions from the outside looking in, I also didn't expect him to be as good of a boyfriend as he's proven to be.

Yet here we are, a little over 3 months into our relationship and it's the best thing to ever happen to me.

"What should I wear?" I put my hands on my waist, looking at my closet.

"Whatever you want, we're just going to Tendou's house." Ushijima says from my bed, and I hum as a response.

I guess I'll go with jeans then, and a tank top. Now, what sweater...

My eyes land on my favorite cardigan and I immediately grab it, a wide grin taking over my face. I have not worn it once, not since I got it.

This cardigan was thrown to me by Ikumi Yoshimatsu during the fashion show Ushijima took me to a while ago. I wish I could have lived in that moment forever. I'll never forget that day. We were sat in the very front row- which I have no idea how Ushijima managed to get- and the first time Ikumi walked down the runway, she held this cardigan over her shoulder. As she passed me, she sent me a wink and threw the article of clothing perfectly in my lap. I was so stunned and almost started freaking out. It's the softest thing in the entire world and is now my favorite thing that I own.

And I got to meet her! Ushijima somehow managed to set up a little bit of time where we were able to go in the back and talk to her and all of the other models. I was extremely shy, but everyone was so nice and Ikumi was so easy to talk to. She gave me tips and even followed my Instagram.

It honestly felt like a dream, and when we got back to my house I took my makeup off and cried. I thanked Ushijima so many times he started to think that I was drunk.

I slip my arms through the soft material and smile, quickly running to look in the mirror. I do an excited little dance before walking over to Ushijima and laying on top of him.

"I'm ready." I say and he puts his phone down, wrapping his arms around me.

"Okay. Let's go." He says but neither of us make an effort to get up. We lay there for a moment before I chuckle, sliding out of his embrace and grabbing his hands to pull him up.

"I want to lay with you forever." He says, grabbing his phone and shoving it into his pocket.

"Forever is a long time." I note as we walk out of my room.

"Forever is not even a fraction of the time I want to spend with you."

Together, we walk out of my house and start making our way to Tendou's. On our way, we pick up some food to take over.

Once we arrive, Ushijima takes his key out and unlocks the door.

"Tadaima" He calls out as we take off our shoes.

"Come to the living room!" I hear Hana's voice and we quickly follow it.

"Hi my favorite whore!" Hana springs up and hugs me.

"Hi Hana" I laugh, wrapping my arms around her. "Where's Tendou-San?"

"He's in the shower. But anyways, I have great news regarding your career." She pulls away, pulling me to sit down on the couch. I perk up at this, eager to hear what she is going to say. "Sensei didn't give me all the details, but she couldn't get in contact with you so she called me." She says and I nod my head. These days, I've been having my phone off a lot.

"Okay, tell me the news!" I push and she laughs.

"Pichi Lemon wants to feature you in their December issue!" She squeals and I look at her, my shoulders dropping.

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