Chapter 21

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"Happy birthday!" I hear two voices call out. One excited and one monotone. I think I can guess who's who.

I open my eyes to see Ushijima and his father beside me bed, the latter holding a cupcake with a candle in it.

"Oh, thank you." I laugh, sitting up.

"Make a wish!" Ushijima's father says as he hands me the cupcake. I close my eyes, making my wish, and blow out the candle. "I'll take that for you." He says, quickly taking the candle.

"Thank you." I smile, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

The day before yesterday, Ushijima and I fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning. Apparently his father was worried we had died and came in to check on us both several times. I was sad to wake up and see that Ushijima was in his own room, but remembered Takashi's wishes.

Due to how tired we were, we stayed in yesterday and Takashi did as well. He cooked meals for us and he talked non stop about how proud he was of Ushijima. He proudly stated that he watches all of his games and has never missed one.

He also praised him for the most recent game he played, but also gave praise to Karasuno as well. He is such a sweet man, and he cares a lot for his son. I couldn't help but feel hopeful that things worked out between us so I can be part of this family.

"We have to go now. Be ready in a few hours okay?" Ushijima asks and I nod.

"Do you want to share the cupcake first?" I ask, looking at the two. "We can cut it."

"Oh, there's no need! We'll have a cake tonight and properly sing to you. How does that sound?" Takashi asks and I smile.

"That sounds nice. Thank you." I say and Ushijima leans down to place a kiss on my forehead.

"We'll be home soon. Happy birthday, I love you." He gives me a small smile and my eyes soften.

"I love you too." I say and he stands back up. "Bye!" I wave at the both of them as they walk out of my room.

I take a bite of the cupcake once I hear the house door close. Mmm, it's really good! 'Nothing Bundt Cakes' reads the wrapper.

Aw, that's a cute play on words.

Once I'm done, I stand up and throw the trash out, also making sure I didn't leave any crumbs.

"I'm 18 today." I say to myself, hopping into the shower. "I wonder that Ushijima has planned." I hum, washing my body.

It's also New Years in a couple of days, we're nearing our five month anniversary. 5 months!

It's unreal. Ushijima and I have been dating for this long and we've barely had any arguments, just a few misunderstandings like before we left to California. I'm glad he's the type to want to talk things through, it makes me feel like we'll last a long time.

I hear my phone go off a few times but I ignore it, not wanting to dry my hands off to answer it.

I'll see it later anyways.

I wash my hair, singing random songs. Once I'm done, I step out of the shower and quickly dry myself.

I want to look cute, but it's also a little bit cold outside. I throw on a fitted velvet dress and pick out a coat to match it. I'll definitely still be cold. But it's cute.

I smile then grab my makeup, walking into the bathroom. I hum as I get ready and when I'm done with my makeup, I remember I had gotten a few texts earlier.

I tap on my phone screen to light it up, and I see I have Instagram DMs from...Yami? It's 11am here in California, so it's like 4am for her. Why the hell would she be texting me at this time?

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