Chapter 22

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(I accidentally made this chapter a lot longer than the others ones pls forgive me. Like a lot, it's over 5800 words. It might be boring, I'm so sorry. I thought of  cutting it into two chapters but I had already written too much and Wattpad will turn the text invisible whenever I try to copy and paste 😭)


I slowly push the door open to Ushijima's father's house and slip off my shoes.

"Eri?" I hear and footsteps rapidly come towards the door. "Eri." He says my name again, relief echoing through his tone.

"Ushijima-San, don't come near me." I say quietly, stopping him in his path of walking towards me.

I don't look at his face. I can't.

"Sasaki-San. Thank goodness you're safe!" I hear his father come out and I can't look at him either.

"Takashi-San," I say the name his father told me to call him. I bow to him, letting my arms fall to my sides. "Thank you for letting me stay here. I sincerely apologize for showing up like this and causing trouble." I say before standing back up.

"Nonsense, you've been lovely the entire time you've been here." He says and I shake my head, keeping my eyes on the ground.

"I'll be going home now. So please excuse me so I can pack my things." I say quietly, walking past the two.

"Home?" Ushijima grabs my arm gently. "What do you mean?"

"Let go of me, Ushijima-San." I say, though butterflies still dance in my stomach at his touch.

How fucking pathetic.

"I'll leave you two to talk." Takashi says and quietly excuses himself, going out into the backyard.

"What do you mean you're going home? To Japan? Our flight isn't for a couple more days." He doesn't let go of me.


"Stop calling me that!" He demands, his voice firm but he doesn't raise it any more than how he usually talks.

"It's your name." I say bitterly. "Please let me go, I need to pack my things."

"No, you're not going anywhere." He says and yanks my arm in his direction, making me crash into his chest. "Please, stay." His arms wrap around me, holding me tightly.

"Let go of me." I try to sound demanding like him, but my voice comes out as a mere whisper. A desperate plea.

It's not until I feel him wipe away at my cheek, do I realize I'm crying. I give up. I'm tired of fighting him now. My knees feel weak and I slip out of Ushijima's arms, unable to stand up anymore. I crumble to my knees and I feel like I can't breathe. My closed fist makes contact with the ground and I begin to cry.

"Why?" I choke out. "Why me? What have I ever done to you?" I sob, finally feeling like everything around me is crumbling down. I hear him sit down and then I feel him pull me into his embrace.

I don't even bother pulling away. I can't. I'm not sure if it's because I don't want to, or because I'm too weak to right now. I can't really tell, but I refuse to hug him back.

We stay like this for a bit, him just holding me as I cry.

"Eri, I love you. Plea-"

"No." I quickly say. I muster up whatever strength I have left and forcefully push him off of me. "No. Don't say that twisted shit again. I can't. I can't do this." I look up at him, seeing that he's crying too. He looks like he was crying before I got here as well.

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