Chapter 24

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"No, I don't think she'll like that one." I hear a girl's voice as I push the door open to Ushijima's house. I have a key now, so I can come and go as I please.

"What would she like then?" I hear Ushijima's deep voice come.

"Tadaima." I call out, slipping off my shoes and closing the door.

Ushijima comes into view only a second later and gives me a soft smile.

"You're here." He says, walking towards me and kissing my lips.

"I'm here." I smile up at him when he pulls away.

"Don't...don't get upset okay? But we have guests." He says and takes my hand, pulling me to the dining room where I see Tendou and Hana are sitting at the table.

"Oh." I bite my lip as I look at them. "It's...fine"

"Have a seat, I invited them because Hana knows you better than I do so we're trying to decide on a place to go for our honeymoon." He sits down and I take a seat next to him.

I make eye contact with Hana and she smiles at me awkwardly, looking away after. Tendou waves and I just nod my head in his direction.

"We can go wherever. I wouldn't mind." I shrug and Ushijima frowns, pulling the tablet with various resorts on them away from the other two and putting it between us. "It's not like it's anytime soon."

"Hana said you probably wouldn't like anything forest-y because of bugs. Which I agree, I'd hate to get stung or bitten. I don't want any place that's humid because it makes me feel icky." He says and I giggle at his use of the word 'icky'.

It sounds funny coming from him.

"We don't even have to jump on a plane and go anywhere if you don't want to. We can stay home if you want." I suggest and he shakes his head.

"No, I want to take you somewhere nice. Do you have any places in mind?" He looks up at me and I bite my lip, thinking.

"Oh," My eyes brighten as I look at him. "how about poland? You said you were thinking of going out there right? Let's go to Poland, and we can get a feel of how life is." I say and he sits up straight.

"That's a good idea." He says and begins typing into the search bar. "P-O-L-A-N-D" He mumbles, looking at what comes up.

"You guys want to go to P-Poland?" Hana asks, looking at me with a shocked expression.

"Oh...yeah." I bite my lip, meeting her gaze. "It's just a thought. Nothing is set in stone or anything." I chuckle and she nods.

"That's really far." Tendou says quietly.

"Like Eri said, it's not set in stone. It's just a distant dream as if right now." Ushijima says and then nudges my shoulder. "How about here? This looks pretty." He says showing me a place called Gdańsk.

"Ooh, it kind of reminds me of Venice." I smile.

"We don't have to pick right now. We can wait after graduation to have everything set."  He says and I nod.

"Eri, do you want to ride with me to our shoot tomorrow?" Hana speaks up and I look at her, a little shocked.

We haven't done that since I came back from California 3 weeks ago.

"Um, sure." I smile at her.

"Okay, I'll come with the driver in the morning then. Your house? Or..." She bites her lips

"No, I want her to stay here tonight." Ushijima speaks up and I blush.

"Alright, then I'll be here in the morning." She says and I nod.

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